Tag: Sales and Marketing

Trip report: January 2012 WESA market pt.1

Today we have part one of a two part guest entry from Jessica Hanebutt Snell of Rockin’ B Design, LLC who writes of her experiences at the recent WESA market show. Jess is an F-I member as well as a DE specializing in vintage-inspired ladies western apparel with a keen interest in all aspects of the western lifestyle industry as well as the vintage fashion community.…


Selling to department stores pt.3 (compliance)

Today we have a post from guest author Jim Wiebe. Jim provided the source material for the the second entry in the series based on the EDI BootCamp class I took from him. Without further ado, here’s Jim:

In part 2, Kathleen said “If you want to move up to another level sales-wise, the process and logistics of how you service those accounts will have to move up to another level first.”…