Author: Kathleen Fasanella

Kathleen started production patternmaking in 1981. Starting in 1993, she began providing consulting and engineering services to manufacturers, small companies, and startups with an emphasis on developing owner-operator domestic cut-and-sew operations. In 2015 she opened a 5,000 sqft. fully equipped sewing factory: The Sewing Factory School. Kathleen is the author of The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Sewn Product Manufacturing, the most highly rated book of any topic in the garment industry. She's been mentioned numerous times in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, National Public Radio, Boston Globe, LA Times, Vogue, French Vogue and has at least 15 Project Runway alums at last count. Kathleen writes nearly all of the articles on and hosts its forum, the largest private online community for apparel manufacturers on the web.

4 Mask Sewing Tutorials: more efficiency, less pain

It’s crazy out there -lots of competing information, mythinformation and just plain craziness -I’m not going to go there. Still, like many of you, I wondered what I could do to help so I started watching mask sewing videos. Very quickly, I realized that the videos are all the same -or rather, that makers had the same constraints.…


Obligatory 2017 New Year’s Post

I can’t speak for anyone but myself but I’m facing 2017 with trepidation, mostly due to the uncertainty of our political and social climate. On one hand, a proposal for the elimination or renegotiation of international trade agreements can ostensibly benefit domestic producers -but at the expense of consumers who will then have less to spend on our stuff.…