Category: Selling

Selling to department stores pt.3 (compliance)

Today we have a post from guest author Jim Wiebe. Jim provided the source material for the the second entry in the series based on the EDI BootCamp class I took from him. Without further ado, here’s Jim:

In part 2, Kathleen said “If you want to move up to another level sales-wise, the process and logistics of how you service those accounts will have to move up to another level first.”…


What are the margins of an apparel distributor?

Judging from increasing questions on the web from start up clothing lines about the margins a clothing distributor expects, it has become apparent that people think they can streamline sales by contracting with one. So let’s start with that.

In the apparel industry, a distributor is a middleman between a manufacturer and its wholesale customers.…


A cheat sheet for the last ten years

This entry isn’t for everyone and I apologize. Still it could be fun and I’d love your input, especially for people who have been or were in the trade for many years.

The proposition: An old boss of mine who got out of the business about ten years ago has applied for a job as a designer for a leading manufacturer and it looks promising; she’s been scheduled for her third round of interviews.…