Five questions

There’s a five question meme running about the web; I’ve been tagged but haven’t posted my response yet but in the meantime, Kathy Sierra’s applied a new twist to it -not surprising if you read her site. I like her questions; rather than the typical self-absorbed and narcissistic bent questions (speaking of narcissism, this guy‘s been very educational lately) Kathy more closely mirrors my own curiousities. She, like me, want to know more about you. I’m insatiably curious about all of you. Here are some of the questions she asks that I’d also like to know (and am asking myself too):

  1. What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
  2. Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
  3. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
  4. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
  5. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.

Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?

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  1. J C Sprowls says:

    1. What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?

    I dearly loved bartending, when I was young. I loved interacting with people, having fun at work, and best of all: getting paid to enjoy my job!

    2. Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?

    Yoga. Less than 10 yrs ago, I was empassioned for the spiritual and health benefits of it. I’ve since gotten into bad habits as a result of not working for myself and looking outside for direction. I’ve decided to reclaim my personal power and take possession of my faculties, again. Through this community that the audience and Kathleen have created, I’ve re-affirmed my creativity and am making strides in both my personal business and life.

    I resume Yoga training 01/15/07; and, will apply for the teacher’s program as soon as my flexibility returns. I love to teach; and, if I can marry teaching and doing into the same time frame, Life is golden!

    Declan Steed has been formalized with the State of Colorado during 2Q06; and, I am in process of clearing house, selling off old inventory, and defining objectives for 2007.

    3. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?

    Study fine arts, in all forms. I love working with my hands, and would love to learn oil painting, sculpting, carving, and pottery. I don’t care if I’m talented, I simply want to do… explore… have fun!

    4. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?

    I wish I could complete my apprenticeship with Dr. Yun. He was a Korean acupuncture physician who could not practice in the states. He took up the
    shears he left behind as a child and began tailoring, again.

    He had been working as a tailor in Pittsburgh for more than 30 years when I met him. He had the ability to look at a picture or an existing style and could recreate it with ease (my mother had this talent, too).

    While he was an extremely strict mentor, sometimes bordering on abusive, I learned a great deal from him. My apprenticeship lasted a little less than a year, before he passed away; but, I could’ve stood another year or two!

    5. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.

    Determined. I set my mind to things and am not easily swayed.
    Detailed. I focus on them, sometimes to my own detriment.
    Tenacious. I don’t let go of the things without a damned good reason, nor do I begin them without same damned good reason.

    Charming. Let’s face it, we could all benefit from a silver tongue from time-to-time.
    Inspirational. While I dearly love to teach, I can’t always motivate/inspire students to achieve the full potential I see in them. It pains me to see people stand in their own way, which sometimes comes across as anger and frustration.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?

    Actually, there’s three (courtesy of my grandmother):
    • Does this thing improve you, as a person, or the situation you’re in?
    • Does this thing improve your community? and
    • Does this thing improve the world in which you live?

    Gram’s idea was that unless two of the three were criterion were met, then no action should take place.

  2. Massa says:

    1. Naming process I thought and sought for 2 week for my line and domain. It was fun to see unique names registerd and used for people and companies, also it was hard to come up with a name which is unique, unable to be googled, and meaningful.

    2. LEGO!! This used to be the toy for me to obtain 3D visualization and thinking skill unconsciously at my early age, but I don’t like today’s LEGO like Star Wars series. It doesn’t give me a lot of freedom to develop designs.

    3. Golf & Tennis. Simply I ‘ve been busy preparing for my line.

    4. Construction workers/sculptors in Baroque era in Italy. I would like to see how they constructed beautiful symmetrical designs/architectures in such a big scale before the industrial revolution.

    5. Arrogant, Weird, Talented. I wish they would say “Genius” & “Beautiful”

    Bonus. This is a daily Question I ask myself : What time(twice a day) do I have to take off my office and take an espresso break?

  3. Maggie says:

    I just joined the group and think it’s great. Spent six years battling with our server. When we closed the company it was the one
    thing I didn’t miss. Here are my answers.
    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    What I’m doing now. I’m an Alternative Lifestyles Fashion Consultant. And I also do weddings. Lets me use my patterning and sewing skills and do it all in my garage. No commute.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Go to my kids football games. I really miss that.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Finish my degree and get organized.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    Anyone who has worked for themselves in an offbeat direction.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    “She’s not normal”
    “But funny!”

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    Is what I’m about to do make common sense?

    Thanks so much for all your work.
    Maggie Springer

  4. Roseana says:

    Roseana writes:

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    When I was 19-21, I worked in a dinner theater in Houston as a backstage “techie.” My first job was running props and scene changing for a
    production of “Blithe Spirit,” starring Eva Gabor (Green Acres). I learned to do everything there is to do when you put on a stage production. I made or shopped for costumes, made or hunted for props, acted as a dresser/assistant, researched music, ran lights, moved furniture, everything. The best thing about it was being presented with a problem that had no apparent solution and then finding the solution. We made up so many things as we went along.

    Occasionally, you force solutions that people tell you they don’t want, but then they love it. One time, a once-famous TV actor was supposed to
    appear on stage in “funny” pajamas. He was very difficult, having once been famous but no longer was. People like that love to throw their weight around. He insisted that they could be anything put pink. Well, there were no funny pajamas in the stores, so I had to sew them. My choice? Smurfs, on a pink polka-dot background. It ended up being a big hit (the show wasn’t, though). Another actor in the show, whose name was Jay, loved the Smurf pajamas, too, so I made a pair for him for his birthday. *His* life partner, Tony, thought they were a riot. He wanted me to go into business with him; he’d get all the equipment we needed and I’d make the pajamas and we’d sell them in a trendy shop on Westheimer. That was the first time I thought, “Yeah, hey, that would be fun! Sewing cool stuff that people get a kick out of.” I didn’t try to do that for over 20 years.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Write in a journal every day. In longhand.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Go to Buenes Aires. When it’s winter there.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    I would want to work with commercial home sewing pattern makers from the 1950s and 1960s because so many of those patterns have totally trued
    seams and all the stitching lines marked on the tissue. I want to know what they knew. Then, I would sit at the feet of the dress designers and learn
    from them what the “New Look” was all about and how they achieved it. What makes a woman’s garment so “ahhhh,” without showing all her breast flesh? This style line? Or that one?

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Uncompromising, opinionated, articulate.
    Compassionate, fun-loving.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    Is what I’m saying, writing, and thinking really the truth?

    Roseana Auten

  5. Robin says:

    What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    The work I am doing right now. I am on a large team that implemented massive new software for the Johns Hopkins University, Hospital & 72 realted entities. It is mammoth, complex and it too 3 years to get to go-live Jan. 1 2007. It is so satisfying that it works! Sewing is my hobby and I SO ENJOY your website!!!

    Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Be single. Got married at age 48, now I’m almost 50. I love him and our kids are starting to get along really well. But dag. It’s not easy. Please do not tell him I said this…..

    Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Learn how to draft patterns and how to drape.

    If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    I have been thinking about this for DAYS and, honestly, I would be so happy just to take classes at the community college. Maybe I’d go study with Jill Andrews Taylor who works in costumes at Center Stage here in Baltimore. I’d want to learn everything about womens clothing and womens bodies and how garments need to fit, and how to use all the sewing & serging machines to make wardrobes for women over 45 who have natural healthy bodies and a sense of personal style.

    What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?
    Driven, talented, sensitive

    Add two more words you wish described you.
    laid-back, thick-skinned.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    Do I understand what’s going on here?

    Thank you for your interesting website and your dedication to your

  6. Darlene says:

    1. most fun work: tie between music business promoter and custom clothing bz

    2. thing I no longer do: millinery

    3. want to do but don’t: millinery, quilting

    4. like to take a class from: Charles James with no personal expectations.

    5. 3 words describing me: work.too.much.
    2 words I’d appreciate: worked beautifully

    Thank you for your website Kathleen — I enjoy it very much because it’s clear you are excellent!

  7. Angela says:



    3. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off? TAKE A TRIP TO EUROPE. HAVEN’T GOT THE TIME OR MONEY.


    5. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you. I BELIEVE MY FRIENDS AND I WOULD SAY THE SAME THING: HARD WORKING, HAPPY, LOYAL, OVERLY SENSITIVE, BUSY, AND CHARITABLE.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves? TWO THINGS…. #1: “WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP OUT MY NEIGHBOR?” #2: “SHOULD I REALLY GO OUT IN PUBLIC IN THIS OUTFIT???”

    Angela Johnson
    Clothing Designer

  8. Darby says:

    Darby writes:
    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    It has to be what I’m doing right now, because I’m going with a gut feeling and instinct that this swimwear line is what’s needed out there that it’s going to fill a niche and ‘m taking a risk doing that, but still getting fabulous support from my DH and my family. They’re cheering me on, knowing full well that I could be a tremendous flop in this venture.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    That’s easy, fencing. I love that sport, but when I tried it again after sooooo many years of not doing it, well, my previously broken ankle wanted no part of it (even tho I keep fit running and doing lots of other activities). If it’s continuously painful, it’s no fun.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Get my teeth fixed. Maybe too much information here, but my gums have receded from my crowns, and the effect is less than pretty. Don’t want to even tell you what my DD asked about my teeth.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    I think it would have to be Maxfield Parrish. I’ve always loved his illustrations, and would so enjoy a workshop where I could actually see the process that he goes through to create his work and maybe even try it myself!

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    My DD, who’s looking over my shoulder, just said “needs a real bra.” That’s because I’ve given up on the cup style since it makes me feel like I’m wearing a prosthesis. I like the stretchy things, which is perfect for a nearly A like me. But I digress. Three words that others might use to describe me: honest, down to earth, low maintenance (my hair is cut really, really short, and I won’t color it any more unless I use henna).

  9. Josh says:

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Catering weddings. I loved being creative with food/flowers and meeting new people on a constant basis. As backward and shy as I can be, there is also the me that wants to be out there and meeting people. I can fall right into both if pushed to do it.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    read question 1.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Launching a clothing business.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    Hmmm, this isn’t a famous person. My person would know everything about men’s clothing, been there, done that kind of person. They could answer every question with ease. They have sewn, they have made patterns, they’ve been there for decades figuring it all out. That one person who’s maybe worked their way up from the factory floor to running company X. They went down roads unpaved.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Stuck, Brutally Honest, Abrasive. I wish they would say Passionate and Dedicated.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    What can I do today that would make someone else’s day better?

  10. Susan says:

    This was fun, although I’m sure my answers would be different tomorrow:

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Math tutoring. I love math and I loved to see the light bulb and hear the student say “That’s not so hard”.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Play in a band or orchestra.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Travel. Money, then jobs, then kids and now health have kept me putting it off.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    Physics lectures and demonstrations from Richard Feynman – see this. I would hope to have a better understanding, and excitement about, how our physical world works.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you. (I spent some time with the thesaurus for this). Caring, smart, peremptory…Creative, indefatigable

    Susan (an appreciative follower of your blog)

  11. Andrea says:

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Working on Salmon fishing tender boat in Alaska (as a life long vegetarian, no less)!! A lone, beautiful, cultured woman among many strange and unusual men. I loved work because the natural beauty was so astounding that everyday I was moved to total gratitude for life. Also, it stretched every boundary I have ever had in myself–very deepening, centering, grounding.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Yoga every day.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Aikido. Singing lessons. Marriage.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    Martine Prechtel–learn to feed the spirits with my own deep expression…
    Any master crafts person shoe or jewelry maker!

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Creative, adventurous, honest.
    wild(er), hilarious

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    how have you done in yourself that that you are judging in another?

  12. Carol Kimball says:

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Historical recreations for the Denver Art Museum and Denver Museum of Nature and Science

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Watercolor painting, regularly

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Go back to northern Italy and Greece

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    Julia Child – anything she wanted to show me, but particularly the thorough way she researched anything she did. Her joy of life was irrepressible.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Creative, organized, thorough.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    Reality-testing: is the way I think I live consistent with the way I actually behave? Stock emotional response: “Why, of course!” Do my actions support this?

  13. Ann says:

    Hi Kathleen, Love it! Let’s see if my coffee-deprived brain can come up with pithy (but truthful) answers:

    1 – The most fun work I have ever done was as a 23 year old field tech support rep for a sales organization of a computer graphics company. It was the most fun because: I got to travel around the country and parts of the world on someone else’s dime. I got to work with really smart people who at the time were doing bleeding edge stuff. I was the only woman in an all-male sales organization and they were all like big brothers and they all were very well behaved, and they watched out for me. And it was the most fun because I got to do all the fun stuff that sales people do, but I never had to worry about sales quotas.

    2 – The one thing that I used to do and wish I still did is swing dancing. DH and I used to go to swing dances in the area every other week. I was an assistant instructor for 4 years at Boston Center for Adult Education. It was a blast. Two kids later we just don’t have the time.

    3 – Hmmm, this is a tough one. I guess going to Australia. We want to go, and DH has gone twice on business without me. But now we want to wait until the kids are old enough to SCUBA dive so we can go as a family to the Great Barrier Reef.

    4 – Mozart. I would love to take a singing lesson with him.

    5 – I’ve been described as “a hyperactive nerd”. Does that count as three words? Two words I wish described me are “serene” and “rich”. At the same time.

    The one question I wish people would ask themselves is, “Will my words hurt anyone if I say or type them?”

    Thanks! Ann

  14. Julianne says:

    Here are my answers to your questions. I love the new year and the chance to reevaluate what is good and what could be better in my business and my life. I am very optimistic for the next year! Best of luck with your technology issues!!! – Julianne

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Altering and/or Fixing a Vintage Pattern to put in my company’s line (the older the better!). I love the challenge and creative problem solving required and the pride of saying, “I did that”.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    I used to take a walk every day to “wake up” my brain, but it is too cold right now!

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    List my over purchases on Ebay and clear out some space.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    Madeline Vionnet. I would love to learn how she saw fabric working on the body and how to use the properties of fabric and simplicity of shapes to create amazing styles that work on many bodies.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Loyal, Geeky, Generous. I wish: Efficient, Brilliant

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    How do my actions affect others and the world?

    Julianne Bramson, Co-Owner
    Decades of Style Pattern Company

  15. Carissa says:

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Decorative painting/ painting murals. It’s very alone and creative. I love being able to process creative thoughts uninterrupted. It’s also particularly cool to be totally surrounded by your work, as opposed to just having a bit of work in front of you, such as art on a canvas or an outfit.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Had a three-hour long mandatory naptime as a child.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Make a career out of my creative/ artistic side. “Career” and “artistic” just don’t go together easily! I really do think I’m well on my way to this goal, though. The biggest step was just getting up my nerve and saying, “I AM doing this, no matter what!”

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    I would love to have a meeting with the Apostle Paul. I think he would hold a wealth of information. He was a Jew who at one time persecuted the Christians and who, led by a burden, focused his ministry primarily on converting the Gentiles. It must have been amazing the obstacles he overcame, culturally and mentally, inside and out. I’d hope that it would make real to me the knowledge of the power of change that one person could have. I chose him over Jesus because Jesus was Deity and I’m not. So, I think it would be more effective to learn from someone who is 100% human. Plus, I feel that I already talk with Jesus and learn from him everyday. ( I don’t mean that In a goofy, hokey way, either).

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    serving, mothering, and wide open, (okay, that last one is two, but it’s one concept!) circumspect, philanthropic.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    Am I doing what really matters?

  16. Susan Monsegur says:

    I enjoyed answering these questions and am curious to read other people’s responses. Thanks for asking.

    1) What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    I had a job that was a lot of fun because of the people I worked with. The work itself was not necessarily fun nor challenging. I was basically a copy/print room aide in a small middle/high public school of 600 students. (I operated and troubleshot the machines, set up a system for getting reports to the teachers on a timely basis, and basically made the teachers’ jobs easier). The students in this school were among the highest achievers on the state’s standardized tests. I had so much fun working with people who cared about and really enjoyed teaching students. The intellectual atmosphere was incredible.

    2) Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    I used to ride horses and take riding lessons (dressage) but due to lack of time and money, I no longer pursue this.

    3) Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Take a digital photography course.

    4) If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    It would be an apprenticeship from Coco Chanel (in Paris) to learn couture sewing and at the same time become fluent in French.

    5) What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    kind, friendly, happy — assertive, risk-taker

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    Why do you discriminate against your fellow human being?

  17. 1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Does working for yourself count? I had a really great time making my quilt top pattern and would love to do that for a living.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Play piano. I took lessons for seven years and now I’d like to start again.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Adopt a greyhound. I don’t have the time or space for another dog but if I had my way, I’d have 500 animals running around my house. Okay that’s an exaggeration because I’m not an animal hoarder, but I do love them.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to apprentice under a talented and knowledgable pattern maker. I would hope to further my pattern know-how enough to one day work for myself (well small businesses, really, but as a service provider, not a direct employee) as a pattern maker. If anyone is looking to take on a information-hungry pattern maker as an apprentice, shoot an email my way. No, really. I’ll be at your house in 3 weeks… will cook and do dishes.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Add two more words you wish described you… hmm. funny, ridiculous, serious. i wish- patient (I’m getting better on this one), energized.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    What makes you happy? If it’s not what you’re currently involved in, what can you change to make yourself happy?

  18. Jan DiCintio says:

    Thanks for this exercise Kathleen! It’s never a bad thing to look inward and see what’s there.
    Happy New Year!
    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Painting funky wallpaper-type designs in people’s homes. The work was quite challenging and very physical (fun for me). At the time, I had a painting partner who was interesting, different enough from me that we always had something to talk about and shared my sarcastic sense of humor…so that was the most fun! The designs themselves were pretty fun, as well, b/c they were so edgy and out-of-the-box. When a design was complete, I would walk out and back into the room about 25 times, pretending I had never seen it before so I could get a ‘new’ first impression.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Paint, by myself or with anyone else.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Take more drawing classes. Be more well-read. Write a business plan.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    ‘d want to be a dancer for Bob Fosse. I find his style & choreography incredibly uplifting, appealing and raw. I’d like to learn to free myself from my inhibitions by tapping into the deepest, most remote part of my creativity and expression and letting it all out and I’m sure this would get me going in the right direction! And the spillover effect onto the rest of my life would be immediately positive.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Honest to a fault, passionate, creative. I wish the words unabashed and accomplished described me.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    What am I going to do today to lessen/decrease my footprint on the earth?

  19. Kathleen says:

    Kathleen writes:
    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    When I was making patterns full time and we were short handed, I was doing the work of three people (really). It was challenging and I was too busy to think

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    I would say running but I’m doing that again. Embroidery. I enjoy doing fine hand embroidery, drawn thread and the like. Cross stitch is good too although not as challenging as french embroidery. Also, watching TV. I wish I watched more TV. I never know what anybody is talking about and I feel out of sync with the rest of the world not knowing who all these people are.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Learn to play a musical instrument.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    ~sigh~ I’ve never been mentored, never had tutelage and I regret it profoundly. Had to learn everything on my own; I would have liked to have leaned on someone before I ended up on this path. I would like to have worked with Vionnet.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Disciplined (my husband says I’m the most disciplined person he knows but I don’t agree), passionate, committed. I wish I were more tolerant and less impulsive.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    When will I resolve to stop being so self absorbed that I start voting and caring enough to do something about things bigger than myself?

  20. Adriane says:

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    I don’t know if I would describe any work that I’ve done as fun. I will say that I enjoyed learning how each business operated. I’ve been a proof operator, a barista, a purchasing agent for non-profit org., an intern for a clothing company, and other various occupations. I always want to know how and why.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Care about my appearance. I detest shopping. I consider it to be an excruciatingly, frustrating activity. So I don’t. I’m quite positive that’s why my mother cries when she sees me.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Open a boutique.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    This brings to mind a daydream that I once had where I was the star of my own television show titled “If I could I would…”. I’d learn how to build a house, how to rebuild an engine, how to make a comfortable pair of 4″ heels, how to make sushi, how to craft a curved wooden staircase (saw this on the Discovery Channel – so amazing)… well, you get the general idea…but more to the point I would hope/love to learn patternmaking from an exceptionally skilled patternmaker… but then again I could try making use of some of those very useful and expensive textbooks from design school

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    I wasn’t sure about this and I’m not much of a guesser. So I went to the source(s).
    My mother – “peculiar, smart, procrastinator”
    My brother – “different, caring, cute”
    My sister – “strange, nice, humble”
    My cousin – “peculiar, goofy, sensitive”
    Me – fearless, successful

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    Am I a person I can be proud of?

    Sorry…I tend to be long-winded

  21. Babette says:

    Happy New Year Kathleen and to all your blog readers and contributors. It’s a great time for an exercise like this, so here goes…
    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    I was technical officer in a fashion school for just over a year. Working with Gen Y students is challenging, aggravating, eye opening and a chance to see them grow into adults. I was many things as I had my office on the production floor and the teachers were located in another building and only came in during class time. The rest of the time I was mother (I don’t have kids), career counselor, fix-it girl, complaints officer, relationship counselor, referee, consultant, trouble shooter, abuse victim, custodian of the supply cupboard and sewing machine technician. Exhausting but fun.

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    I used to tutor. I miss that. I like trying the different ways to switch on that light bulb. Guess that’s why I enjoyed the tech job. I was a psuedo teacher without the curriculum burden.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Start my own children’s line of tailored coats.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    I was lucky enough to learn pattern making from a woman who worked in the UK and Australia for some great designers. I’d like to learn more from a coat specialist. (Kathleeen how do you feel about running master classes in Australia?)

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Funny, impatient, clever. I wish I was calm and elegant.

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    Two questions really. Before I respond to this situation/thing, is it actually important? When I say this, what will the person I say it to actually hear?

    I’m hoping 2007 is about achieving a better balance in this life.

  22. Karen Clark says:

    Happy New Year!
    First and foremost, Kathleen, I have to let you know that you were in my top 5 of things to be grateful for in 2006. I doubt I would be so near to launching without your blog and info. You make a positive difference in my life every day. Ok, now on to the questions…

    1.What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    Groundskeeper landscaping at a community college during the summer of 1977. I was newly single and it was great working all day with plants, being outside in the sun, people watching, and working with a great bunch of people (men and women). Sometimes we would even go across the street and shoot pool and drink beer at lunchtime. After that, I was a carpenter for a couple of years, ending with being a wood floor mechnic (refinisher).

    2.Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Going out clubbing and dancing.

    3.Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Running a marathon. Keep dealing with injuries. Maybe this is the year.

    4.If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    No brainer–the great Leonardo di Vinci. I would hope to learn all I could from him about anything and everything.

    5.What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    3 words: funny, passionate, determined. 2 more: thin and wealthy

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    “How can I make a positive difference in someone’s life today?”

  23. jinjer says:

    1. What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
    I teach a hatmaking class to middle-schoolers in the summer, and I think this qualifies as the most fun.
    I like it because I’m NOT a hat expert, so it’s easier for me to let go of perfection.
    Also, I love working with middle schoolers, it’s an intensely creative age–they still listen to what I have to say, but they’re also developing their need to be individuals, and I can relly relate to their emotional intensity.
    Plus, it’s really hard work. Once class starts, I’m moving constantly, answering questions, asking them questions, solving problems, demonstrating techniques, etc.
    And I like that I have complete control over the curriculum, a nice space in which to work, and …best of all…
    I only have to do it for 2 weeks a year :).

    Second to that, I LOVED performing with Ultra Gypsy for the one year we were performing a set we usually called “the Vampire set”. I loved my role–a creepy witch character with long copper claws–I was a really good witch. I loved the people I was dancing with, and the troupe director was in her element, so she gave clear direction & produced a beautiful show, which made up for her crazy expectations. We rarely did PAID gigs, though.

    2. Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?
    Microscopy. In an alternate universe, someone would pay me to look through microscopes all day, record what I’ve seen, and maybe hypothesize about what it all means without actually having to check whether my hypotheses are correct or not.

    3. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
    Learn Arabic and/or Tamazight (the language spoken by native North African tribes). I’ve been meaning to do this so long tat I have Instructional tapes. I mean, it’s hard to even find a tape player anymore.

    4. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
    I would love to apprentice with someone. I don’t really care about the subject–fashion, physics, biology, illustration, carpentry, dance… I just want to learn complete competence & confidence in my field. I don’t need to learn from anyone famous or prestigious (except in their field), so long as they are patient, really smart and really good at what they do.

    5. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.
    Smart (i.e. both intelligent and smart-ass)
    Sincere (sometimes too much so)
    Two more that do describe me–it’s so hard to pick the 3 the matter most!)
    Curious (sometimes too much so!)
    Two more on my wishlist:

    Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?
    How can I make the world a better place today?

    Babette–I would probably drive you up the wall.
    I have an unfortunate habit of talking almost as fast as I think, and sometimes I wish your bonus question occurred to me a little faster :)

  24. lennie says:

    #1 That’s easy– I designed a bikini for the production assistant of the movie “Honeymoon in Vegas”. It was being filmed on Kauai, where I grew up. She entered a local bikini contest I suppose as a distraction of the hard work that comes with working on a movie set. It was fun because I had carte blanche with the design and she had a fabulous body. She won first place all-around and I won first place bikini.

    #2 Paddle outrigger canoes. It was something I grew up doing. There are clubs here on the mainland, but the water is dirty and cold and then there’s the political side of any competetive sport.

    #3 Learn to play an instrument like guitar or piano. I can play a mean single needle and serger though!

    #4 Frida Kahlo. She was fueled by her pain. I think most artists and creative people are. Sometimes when I need inspiration, I need to draw from that well and it’s not always easy to do.

    #5 Witty– let’s face it, in this game, you need it.
    Anxious– I’m borderline O.C.D.

    Compassionate– I love people, period. Even the jerks.

    Articulate, Dedicated

    Bonus ? Am I being true by doing the right or wrong thing?

  25. Danielle says:

    I’m late to this but I’m in a reflective mood so here goes…

    1. What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?

    Illustrating for designers and friends! If blogging counts as work it is a close second. I also really enjoyed dressing women as a shopgirl this summer, that surprised me.

    2. Name one thing you used to do that you no longer do but wish you did?

    Going to the library multiple times weekly and reading sooo many books. Don’t have that kind of time anymore but any chance I get I’ll go down and check what’s new in the stacks.

    3. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off?

    Becoming a writer. But now I’m starting to do that too so I’m not really putting it off anymore.

    4. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?

    I’d love to learn pattern drafting with Kathleen or Julian Roberts. It doesn’t really matter what I hope to learn, I just would like to hang out in person with these people who have inspired me so much. Like Kathleen said for herself, it always seems like I end up having to teach myself, I’ve lacked tangible, in-person mentorship in my life so far.

    5. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? Add two more words you wish described you.

    Words I’ve Heard
    Articulate, intelligent and imaginative

    Words I’d like to hear
    Experienced, accomplished

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