I can’t speak for anyone but myself but I’m facing 2017 with trepidation, mostly due to the uncertainty of our political and social climate. On one hand, a proposal for the elimination or renegotiation of international trade agreements can ostensibly benefit domestic producers -but at the expense of consumers who will then have less to spend on our stuff.…
Category: Administrivia
Housekeeping and other news related to Fashion-Incubator.com.
So I bought a sewing factory
So I bought a sewing factory makes a good title but the truther is that I bought a near perfectly sized industrial building and remodeled it to become a sewing factory. So how did it happen? Well, I was going along, thinking yet again about the dearth of sewing factories in New Mexico and how my business was stuck because I couldn’t really hire anybody to work at my shop at my house because it was at my house, and what or if I should do anything about it.…
Email from me about subscribing
Several of you’ve written about an email you received from me about subscribing to Fashion-Incubator. Yes the email is legitimate. We’ve migrated to a new service to manage comments and delivery of posts. It is a great service but the terms of service require that I email each of you to opt in.…
Most requested tutorials: pick 5
With all the tutorial suggestions you left back in February, you scared me so badly that it took me several months to recover. Yeah. Seriously, the pile was so big and so deep and so tall that I didn’t know where to dive in.…
10th Anniversary! 10 tutorials in celebration
Faithful readers, Fashion-Incubator is 10 years old -practically of doddering age in internet years.
In celebration, I’m proposing that visitors submit suggestions for 10 topics -to include tutorials obviously, that’s in the headline- I’ll pick the best ones and get it done.…