Category: Administrivia

Housekeeping and other news related to

Obligatory 2017 New Year’s Post

I can’t speak for anyone but myself but I’m facing 2017 with trepidation, mostly due to the uncertainty of our political and social climate. On one hand, a proposal for the elimination or renegotiation of international trade agreements can ostensibly benefit domestic producers -but at the expense of consumers who will then have less to spend on our stuff.…

So I bought a sewing factory

So I bought a sewing factory makes a good title but the truther is that I bought a near perfectly sized industrial building and remodeled it to become a sewing factory.  So how did it happen? Well, I was going along, thinking yet again about the dearth of sewing factories in New Mexico and how my business was stuck because I couldn’t really hire anybody to work at my shop at my house because it was at my house, and what or if I should do anything about it.…