Archives are back

I’ve been doing site maintenance today, most of it indiscernible to you so I get no brownie points for completed tasks. Bleh. However, I’m happy to report something you will notice, the archives page is back. I don’t know about you but I used that a lot. The archives page includes the full list of all the entries ever published on this site by title. This can be a more effective way to search for an old entry if you know a word that appeared in the title of an entry you’re looking for. Or even if you don’t. Pick a word you think should be in a title and you’re likely to find something interesting.

In Firefox (which all the cool people are using) or Internet Explorer boo hiss, hit Ctrl+F, type the term in the search box, and it’ll jump to each incidence the word appears. For your convenience, each link will open in a new page or tab. With over 1,400 entries now, it’s a better way to search than the crappy default search feature in Word Press -the software used to run this site. About the latter, I’ve been researching for a more robust search feature. Suggestions are welcome.

If you neglect to bookmark the Archives page and can’t find it, click on Resources on the main navigation bar and the link is at the top of the page.

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  1. dosfashionistas says:

    I use the archives quite a bit too, so Thank You for your work today, Kathleen.

    I am excited about our latest project. I have an air brush artist working on decorating 25 pairs of recycled blue jeans with Christmas motifs…will have them up for sale starting next week. That’s about 50 pounds of used clothing that won’t hit the landfills this year, at least if I am successful in selling them. With that and the Dos Fashionistas Sweater Relocation Program, we are doing our humble part.

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