Traditionally, each sewing machine in the factory has a side table that is placed alongside the machine. This is where work in process is placed. I had a difficult time finding any tables of the size I wanted, at a price I was willing to pay and I also had the problem of moving small, cut pieces around the factory in such a way that they would not be lost or soiled.…
Tag: Equipment
Breathing New Life into an Older Machine
You can breathe new life into older machines with just a few upgrades. Here’s a breakdown on the recent remodeling job I did on my Singer 107 W12. She was made in 1932 -84 years ago! She still runs like a top.…
Which is better, block or piece fusing?
Vesta writes:
Now that I’m making markers for folks, I am cogitating deeply about block fusing. You said:
“Making a separate marker for block fusing and then to have to spread it as a separate operation seems more costly to me.”
The fastest way to pattern and prototype
Being able to pattern and prototype quickly requires the right mix of people, skills, tools and most all, time. Lack any of those and you can’t speed up much. If you’re the one doing it all, your cycle time will be related to your own efficiencies and time.…
Useful 3D printing -sewing machine jigs & fixtures
Yes I have heard of the 3D printing technology but like many of you (c’mon, admit it) you rolled your eyes because in spite of repeated protests to the contrary, it wasn’t a short term or cogent solution for the apparel industry.…