I’ve been working on the difference between crap and quality for weeks; this particular follow up to the the previous post, for the last five days. My draft is 11 pages long in 10 pt. font with skinny margins -all in an attempt to get to my closing argument.…
Tag: Quality
Pop quiz: Quality versus Crap pt.2
Well, Monday’s pop quiz was very educational. The correct answer is “insufficient data” but not for the reasons that it seems many people selected it (judging from comments but even that isn’t conclusive). The final score (as of this writing) was 45% which falls short of the 50% challenge but I made the donation (to Accion, a micro lender) anyway.…
Pop quiz: Quality versus Crap

I will donate $250 to a not for profit agency if 50 or more percent of you know what quality means. I should qualify that since about 30% of visitors are engineers, scientists or others coming from related disciplines. Specifically, this abjectly crude and completely unscientific survey below is intended for non-technical designer types.…
Lies designers tell 2 -the luxury edition
Forgive the title, couldn’t think of a better one; maybe this could be better described as lies designers tell themselves about luxury or even, top tier brands they aspire to compete with. Specifically, many entrepreneurs think that if they can source the same trappings and quality of the world’s leading luxury brands -you know, the pretty custom hardware, custom fabrics loomed with one’s trademarked logo down to fancy hand stitching- they can charge equivalent or slightly less than Vuitton, Versaci or whomever and laugh all the way to the bank.…