Apparel Manufacturing Boot Camp -photos

I’ll write a post about the progress of the event we hosted last weekend very soon, maybe even tomorrow but for now, you can see photos of the event on the Albuquerque Fashion Incubator website.

Channy Hiersche, posing by the many jackets ready for bagging.
Channy Hiersche, posing by the many jackets ready for bagging.

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  1. Cynthia says:

    I love the charitable intent of the Boot Camp.  I love, also, the privilege I have had–with almost 20 years of running a charity for homeless families with children–to teach some of the adults and children to sew and add to their skill base for their own lives.

  2. Nagendra says:


    I would like to start my manufacturing company in india so please can suggest me how can start and we can partnership.

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