Oh my, you have got to see this! It is -of all things- a shirt folding video. You won’t believe this. It’s brilliant. Via Ted Blog
Oh my, you have got to see this! It is -of all things- a shirt folding video. You won’t believe this. It’s brilliant. Via Ted Blog
Martha Stewart showed how to fold a T shirt in the exact same way 2 months ago. She did everyday for a whole week.
That’s Hilarious!
Martha Stewart probably got it from this video, which my husband found more than 2 months ago. I’ve adapted it for sweaters, so my sweater shelf looks really nice now!
I used to work in apparel retail and I can tell you that I have never looked forward to folding a garment until today. I had to try this technique out. And I got an excellent result the first time! Thanks for passing it on.
Jinjer, you have inspired me to organize my closet shelves!
Someone sent me a link to this a couple years ago, and our old computer was so slow I never could see it without lots of jerks and stops in the video, so I never “got it.” Makes sense now, though!
Awesome link, Kathleen, thanks!
I’ll be blogging on this, as it illustrates a couple of major things, IMHO:
a. How to take a normal, mundane thing we do all the time (fold a T shirt) and eliminate huge levels of waste. Which we never see, because we take it for granted!
b. It shows how a simple video can teach how to do something. It not even need be in my own language!!
I tried it last night and it worked, sort of. And I’m a klutz. I want to work on it more this weekend. I do laundry at my house a lot…this will help.
We saw this done years ago on Martha. My husband folds his shirts like this now. I keep forgetting how, so I revert to my old way of folding in half and then in thirds…..maybe I will do it someday….maybe.
too bad the video is not up anymore….
Sorry about that. Here’s a link to the same one.
Thank you Kathleen. It’s a cool way to fold.