I don’t think I really believe this yet but there appears to be a copy -a brand new one- of the Vionnet book on Amazon. The book is listed for $63. That’s right, not the $150 list price but $63. new. Perhaps the book’s been reprinted. Step on it and let me know if you score.
Well, I just bought one this afternoon, and it’s still on the site, so I guess there are more, i.e., it’s been reprinted.
Thanks Sharon, that is wonderful news. Thanks for letting me know.
I guess I’ll pick up a copy. Do you think it will help in the construction of men’s clothes as well?
no. not in the slightest. However, if you want to know the measure of a REAL DESIGNER, the book is invaluable.
This looks to be a mistake by Amazon. Checking the publisher’s site says the book is in print, but the printing date is 1998. Whoops! We have been taking about this on http://www.patternreview.com.
We are trying to start an email campaign asking Chronicle to reprint the book. Here is the website: http://www.chroniclebooks.com/site/catalog/index.php?main_page=pubs_product_book_info&products_id=996&store=books
There is a customer service link on the page. If we all write them and request we might get them to reprint the book. It’s a great book folks. Let’s see if we can get it back in print!
I am really enjoying your blog. I am so tempted to drop eveything pull out my copy of MV and make a new dress!!
I stand corrected. I just got a nice email from Chronicle. “Thanks for your interest in Chronicle Books. You are in luck! We are reprinting this title and it should be available at the end of August. The retail price will be $100.”
You did good girl! You helped get it back in print.
Kayleen, I wish I could take credit for that, lol but I can’t. As far as I know, the Vionnet book on Amazon is still available. Somebody must have had some copies handy and went out of business or something because several people have told me they’ve bought copies since I posted that message. And, I’m glad you like the site. I plan on sending invites to my BB soon
I believe on the Amazon site it says one to two months for delivery, so it’s probably all the same deal. Amazon must be getting quite a volume discount, and passing it on. My sister has the original book, just happened to get it, and has raved about it for years. I wonder what the reprint will do to prices for the first edition?
I just received a notice that delivery of the Vionnet book will be delayed about a month. :-( Hopefully, this was not the first of a long string of delays that result in cancellation of my order!
I have to hop on this! Thanks for the info! I love this site. I learn so much.