Many entrepreneurs are excited about a new-ish technology called MTM (Made to Measure) that they think will revolutionize retail. The premise is this: A customer is scanned, their measurements uploaded into an MTM CAD program that will spit out a pattern that fits the customer and his or her style preferences.…
Tag: Fit/Fitting
7 tips to better photos for fittings
When communicating desired fitting or design changes to a pattern maker -or even to use as a record of your progress- it is critical to take useful photographs. Taking the time to take good photographs can reduce your costs and your provider’s frustration.…
Mindreading: a fitting lament of good, cheap and fast.
There are many occasions in which I don’t publish a post because I can’t think of a title to reflect it. As this is one such post, your titling suggestions are appreciated.
So -I’m speaking to a caller this morning. She’s upset because the pattern makers she’s hired cannot fit a child’s size 6 dress to meet her expectations. …
A Treatise on Sleeve Drafting
Courtesy of Timo Rissanen who found out about it from Holly McQuillan -those links aren’t gratuitous, you should be keeping an eye on those two- comes word of a a Ph.D dissertation. It is a treatise (I hope) on sleeve drafting written by Morris Campbell, lecturer at Massey University in New Zealand.…
Poll: What is your base size?
Inquiring minds would love to get your feedback as to the size you’re using as the basis of style development. Please answer the poll below to the best of your ability (poll widget only allows 10 responses in case you’re annoyed your size isn’t shown).…