I’ve added some additional features to the blog. First, if you’re new here, you’ll find a document entitled How this site works in the left sidebar under Links. That document will give you pointers on how to navigate this site and get the most out of your experience.
The Discussion Forum (link in left sidebar) has been growing with new topic areas added. Someone suggested a forum for Embroidery & Screenprinting (thank you) and I’ve added two new forums in addition to the latter. The first is Patterns-Grading & Sizing and the last is Tutorials; a forum to discuss any of the tutorials that I post on the site. Currently all of the tutorials questions have been confined to comments under each posting but now we can expand the discussion into the bulletin board. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before. I’d also like to bring your attention to the addition of two new moderators. Josh Latham is moderating the Machines & Equipment board and Miracle Wanzo is moderating the Sales & Marketing forum. She has already posted some excellent advice on hangtags complete with photos in response to my newbie question. Josh has handy pointers and resources for coverstitch machines.
On this blog I will be adding another category, that of Tutorials. Currently to find any posted tutorials, you have to guess in which category they may fall -either sewing or patterns- and sift through all of the messages that are sorted in that category. Once I put up the tutorials category, you can click on that and find just the tutorials. I think that will help visitors locate information more readily.
A final reminder to check out the Discussion Forum. There you’ll find a full range of topics that may interest you. The most active forum is ~sigh~ RTW consumer complaints (29) so I’m hoping more of the manufacturers will make note of these comments. Consumers: if you want another forum topic please let me know what that may be. I notice you’re getting a little crowded in there but there’s plenty of room to grow if you’ll tell me where you want to go. Everyone is encouraged to post a bio regardless of where you fit in the sewn products spectrum. Lastly, I have an open question in sewing. I’m looking for your top ten sewing beefs and anyone can post to that.