Searching this site

This is just a random post to -usually- occasional visitors to the site regarding how to get the most out of the search feature.

Regarding spelling:
Evil is spelled e-v-i-l. Not eviel, iviel, eivel, or eivl. I only knew what you were looking for as the complete search term always included the word “knits”.

Spelling errors such as pattent, protecton, contrat, segret, etc will turn up nothing (is there a correlation with those consumed with idea protection and spelling?), try running your search term through a dictionary first. Another good resource is google. Google will often correct if for you with “did you mean this____?” I’ve done that a time or two myself. Also check the category listing of Intellectual Property for results.

Non-native speakers: Many misspelled terms are from our many non-native English speaking visitors. I’ve found Babelfish to be useful in this regard; it’s translation services are free. Hopefully that will help in completing your search. Also check the listing of categories in the lower right side bar.

Speaking of nativity, I’m an American and use the spelling conventions common to this side of the pond. As such, I spell certain words without the “u”. Similarly, search terms loaded with phrases such as knickers, plasters and bathers won’t return anything. What are plasters anyway? Please excuse my ignorance and provincialism.

A search for patternmaking usually won’t return the result you’d like. My spell checker corrects it to pattern making. Ditto for patternmaker (pattern maker), grainline (grain line), homesewer (home sewer) etc.

Other searches:
For those looking for basic information like hemming. I don’t do hemming either. That’s what staplers and duct tape are for :)

My phone number is 575-525-1577 MST (-7GMT). I do not have an 800 number. Why do people insist on wanting to call me for free advice on my dime?

My address is 1149 West Picacho, Las Cruces NM 88005.

My email address is also in the left side bar under Admin.

The tutorials are listed in the left side bar under Admin. Clicking that link will give you a menu of choices. I should probably add tutorials to the category listings.

The only -readily accessible- pattern drafting books I recommend are Hanford’s. There’s a link to Handford’s grading book in the lower left side bar. I get a small commission if you get to Amazon by using it. I also heartily recommend any drafting books by Cooklin, Bray and Aldrich. The only grading books I recommend are by Handford and Cooklin.

The message board is also found under Admin in the left side bar.

If you’re looking for slopers, use the word blocks. The only free patterns here are included with the tutorials on given sewing methods. Otherwise, there are no free patterns here.

If you’re from another site that’s getting some traffic from me and your search term turns up zilch, it means you’re in one of my left sidebars. Go look there.

If you want to know pattern making prices, just buy the book and get it over with. You shouldn’t hire anybody til you’ve read it anyway.

Messages to various searchers:
Please do not pretend you didn’t get my email or comment when I can see that someone from your distinctive IP address has come and searched my site looking for your name. That goes for companies too.

To Dorothy Fuller, I did not know your last name. Try searching under “Dorothy”.

To Larissa: you know exactly what I think about you. Don’t tempt me into telling everyone else. Stop telling people we are friends. Speaking of, if anybody tries to get work with you by claiming we are friends or we work together, check with me. I know there’s one lady who claims we’re friends out in Visalia CA who runs a small sewing shop and I’ve never met her. Check the local legal register to see how many times she’s been sued. I hear she’s a smooth talker.

To t-shirt “designers”; you’ve come to the wrong site. Try Cafe Press. Better yet, search under woats and goats. Re-typing your search term in all capital letters won’t bring you better results either.

To the many small designers searching for their own names: don’t be offended that you don’t find yourself here. I rarely write about designers by name at all. The only one I’ve written about substantively is Vionnet. Sorry.

To the person who ceaselessly and continually searches for travis and isabel, this post should turn up in your search tomorrow. You’re welcome.

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