I mentioned that Sage Journals was offering free access to their online database twice and encouraged you to take advantage of it. True to form, I didn’t get around to downloading everything I wanted until today (today is the last day!). All day, that file of downloads has been stealing my time, teasing me away from work. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll have time to post News From You. I’ve found quite a few gems (60+ papers) from Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (10+) and a few from the Journal of Material Culture (4). If you’re interested in any that I’ve listed, just copy and paste the title into Google and they’ll pop right up. You could also search by title once you’re at the appropriate journal on Sage.
Here’s a few titles stealing my attention today:
- Mariano Fortuny Delphos Robe Some Possible Methods of Pleating and the Permanence of the Pleats
- Facets of Madeleine Vionnet’s Cut The Manipulation of Grain Slashing and Insets
- Explorations In Pleated Fabric Garment Structures
- Shibori Bamboo
- An Eighteenth Century American Tailor Myth and Reality as Seen Through One Tailors Surviving Records*
- No Seamstresses No Ready Made Clothing Clothing Consumption on the American Frontier 1850-1890
- Sewing Techniques in Womens Outerwear 1800-1869
- The Emergence of Modern Infantwear 1896 thru 1962 Traditional White Dresses Succumb to Fashions Gender Obsession
- Acquisition of Female Apparel in Oklahoma’s Indian Territory 1850-1910
- Female Business Owners In Apparel Manufacturing An Integrative Perspective
- Apparel Manufacturing Business Owners A Gender Comparison
- Stitch’nBitch Cyberfeminism: a Third Place and the New Materiality
- Toward a Grounded Theory of Apparel Product Quality
- Apparel Expenditure Patterns of Elderly Consumers A Life Cycle Consumption Model
- Use of Schema for Evaluating Consumer Response to an Apparel Product
Fit, Sizing & Patterns
- Body measurement specifications for fit models as a factor in clothing size variation
- Measurement Specifications for Manufacturers Prototype Bodies
- Exploring the Relationships of Grading Sizing and Anthropometric Data
- Three Dimensional Pattern Drafting A Theoretical Framework
- An alternative approach to sizing apparel for women 55 and older
- Consumers Acceptance of Unethical Clothing Consumption Activities Influence of Cultural Identification Ethnicity and Machiavellianism
- Quality Indicators Used by Retail Buyers in the Purchase of Womens Sportswear
- The Effects of Customers Dress on Salespersons Service in Large Sized Clothing Specialty Stores
- The Organizational Factors Influencing Socially Responsible Apparel Buying Sourcing
- Retailers Perceptions of the Effects of Garment Complexity on Interest in Customized Patterns
- Defining and Testing the Assumptions Used in Current Apparel Grading Practice
- Effects of Training in Apparel Design and Product Development on Spatial Visualization Skills
- Determinants of Adolescents Brand Sensitivity to Clothing
The article, An Eighteenth Century American Tailor Myth… is very interesting with a revisionist perspective that will surely raise the ire of British bespoke tailors. Among its controversial claims: the gestation of commercial tailoring had its roots in the Americas prior to 1776, that tailors were more financially successful than previously understood, and that mensuration processes were more advanced here. I also found the first reference ever made to what could be the fore runner of slopers, the so called “slop pattern”. Even then it was a pejorative. Who knew?
Another I’ll be reading carefully is How Textiles and Clothing Students Spend Their Time and the Stressors They Reportedly Experience– because few are spending their time on F-I much to my and many professors dismay. One last paper I didn’t download was Attire, Physical Appearance, and First Impressions: More Is Less because the title said it all.
You make me want to be cloned! I read this article today: http://www.alternet.org/environment/69256/ and thought you might find it interesting.
I’m so grateful you posted this cheat sheet. I was actually going to ask you for a list of good stuff you found (or if you maintain a bibliography of stuff you like) but I felt bad that I hadn’t even started searching myself. I’m glad that you reminded us that it expired Nov. 30th. I spent some of Friday night downloading your suggestions plus some more.
Thanx Kathleen for reminding us. I downloaded 40 articles. This is huge for folks who are not near university or major metro libraries and/or cannot afford to subscribe to the journals.
Now to find the time to read them . . .
Just missed the deadline, damn. This is the kind of stuff that is so fascinating about your site, Kathleen. Even though this isn’t my field, I try not to miss your blog. Thank you.