Short and sweet, the answer to the pop quiz came from Girl From Auntie who knows me too well. Yes, I would wrap a dog in saran wrap (pt.2) -pallet wrap is preferred- to make a pattern from its body. Less controversial dog measuring methods were proposed in the forum. Saran wrap is useful to make patterns for a lot of things and it won’t stick to objects like duct tape will. I can’t think of a better or faster way to make a first pattern for an oddly shaped item -say a camera case- than that.
Just for grins, I experimented with saran wrap on the dog (100 lbs of labrador love) — he wasn’t having any part of it. He would stand to be draped in heavy interfacing, though. I used duct tape instead of pins, though, as the back end of the dog wiggles a fair amount with any tail action.
On the other hand, our pudgiest cat did allow at least a couple of layers of saran before she decided enough of that, she needed to get back to sleep.
It’s the natural perversity of cats in action.
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