Kathleen F. Site Admin

Joined: 08 Sep 2005 Posts: 11557 Location: NM Albuquerque
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:54 am Post subject: Fashion-Incubator Forum Orientation -once approved |
Please read this after receiving notice your membership has been approved. Don't hesitate to refer to it in the event it seems you're not making headway. This will go a long way toward helping you make the most of your membership.
Be advised that in accepting this membership, you agree to maintain the confidentiality of the forum. You may not disseminate any information or resources found here in a public or private place no matter the medium. Individuals who violate the policy are subject to suspension or expulsion.
We are delighted you have decided to join us. To make the most of your membership, it is suggested your first post is a personal bio. Members are less likely to respond to your questions if they do not know the framework of you and your business and do not want to recommend something inappropriate.
If you have immediate issues requiring fast action, please post a bio of your product line which will give us the necessary background to frame appropriate responses. This will become an ongoing thread to discuss development of your company to be updated at any time. Otherwise do not hesitate to post questions in the appropriate topic areas. Note: if you post a strictly business bio in the personal bio section, it will be moved here.
You are not required to post two bios, only if you want to. Actually, you're not required to post a bio at all but it is strongly suggested. If you're sourcing and expect others to provide you with referrals, it is it is considered rude if you've yet to introduce yourself. More so if you're someone who had difficulty having their membership approved because you didn't read the user agreement. You don't want others to get the idea that you think you are special.
If you are interested in chatting with members in a less structured environment, see our daily water cooler thread. This is where we discuss whatever happens to be on our minds or to-do lists for the day. There is a new thread started every day; if there has not been a thread started for the day, please feel free to start one.
We frequently get together at trade shows and events. It is common for members to request people to assist them in their booths at trade shows. If you have not yet launched a line but would like to walk a show, this is an excellent opportunity. Ideally, volunteer to help a designer producing in your niche. Contrary to popular belief, we work together in the trade. There are no competitors on the forum, only colleagues. Monitor the Connections thread for ongoing events.
I am very pleased when non-business members join us. Ostensibly, you are our customer and unfortunately, we sometimes need you to remind us of that. While we sincerely hope you will contribute to our business threads with questions and comments, you are still a full-fledged member entitled to resolution of your own problems. Do not hesitate to post accordingly. You will never be chastised for using home sewing patterns, equipment or methods. You may be surprised to find we do not discuss sewing very much (many designers do not sew) but we'd appreciate your bringing it up because everyone is intensely interested in the topic. Please don't be shy, diffident or intimidated. As anyone can tell you, our home sewing members are highly respected and at the top of everyone's list. You are even encouraged to meet us at trade shows and events! We'll get you a badge .
PM-ing privileges are not enabled for new users until they've posted at least 25 entries. I regret the need of this policy but existing members were complaining that new members would private message them rather than posting their questions to the forum -meaning they likely hadn't posted a bio yet. Members are happy to share information but they'd like to get to know you first. Once you hit 25 posts, please notify me so I can change your status because it's not automatic (yet). I realize you may be reluctant to post in the beginning but if everyone PM-ed, there would be no content to read and learn from. Exception: PMing privileges for renewing members are enabled automatically regardless of the number of posts they've made.
Location protocol on your profile is not optional. Please do not change it unless you relocate. Please observe the same format. More is here.
You'll notice the membership status of some individuals is listed as "guest". We have no guests. These are inactive members who have not renewed their memberships. They cannot access the forum so writing comments directed to them means they will not respond. You are encouraged to post to those threads anyway because other active members may respond. Speaking of, you may notice some members have the premium "renewing member" badge even tho their sign up date is relatively recent. These are former members who have rejoined us.
On behalf of the membership, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you into the community!
Kathleen Fasanella
The Manglement
410 Old Coors Dr SW
Albuquerque NM 87121
9/11/19: edited to correct broken links _________________ Please don't PM me, use the email button instead. |