Isn’t this the funniest thing? A friend of mine sent it to me on Facebook. And in case you were wondering, this isn’t a serious PP entry (unless you’re a masochist) but a compendium of stuff that’s accumulating around here. In spite of evidence to the contrary, I’ve been writing up a storm.
I got on Facebook -finally. Friend me please, I’ll never find you otherwise. Second, I started a page for Fashion-Incubator so by all means, fan that too. It’s pretty bare bones just now and looking mighty pitiful. One of these days I’m going to have a real logo.
About the photo:
This was taken by Annie Jackson (from The Netherlands, formerly of Canada) at the Art in Fashion exhibit at the Boijmans Van Beuningen museum in Rotterdam. She said she thought it was called “Deer on Shoulders” but her blog entry describing her museum visit says the official name is “Deer Cape, collection Dream Your Dream” by Christope Coppens. You’ll want to see that entry, there’s some really cool stuff by designers. None of it intended to wear; they’re all art pieces. I’m partial to the “Final Foam Dresses, collection Inertia” by Hussein Chalayan.
Speaking of Annie and her blog, she’s teamed up with some friends to start Fashion Students Online. It’s pretty cool, students helping students with some great content. I think this site will have legs.
I only have three entrants to my cutting test entry. I know people think this is so simple or obvious that it’s not worth their effort but I’m going to use these results to show you what I learned on my very first day in pattern class. Tragically, people end up with four or even six year fashion degrees and haven’t learned this. It is vitally important, the bedrock of everything you do. Whether you intend to or not. Paraphrasing Mark Twain:
It’s not what you don’t know that’s the problem, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so
Deer Cape, it’s called Deer Cape. I don’t know why I thought it was called the other thing. There must have been another piece titled “— on the shoulder” or something.
Your page is doing well, 42 followers already!
I think it’s the antler hat that makes it just perfect. What an amazing creation. I wonder if the ‘deer’ is heavy?
Kathleen, your cutting test sounds obviously about cutting outside the line making each new tracing of a pattern grow considerable in just a few tracings creating problems in sizing and sewability. Or am I just being a smartypants?
Ken Whoiloveandadore (recently retired apparel professor) posted a comment that I have temporarily un-posted since he gives the answer away that I asked people not to do in my first entry :). Later this afternoon when I publish part two (& three?) of the cutting test, I’ll republish it. At that time, his comment will appear above this one.