I found an interesting web site called Thru Hiker that has a few useful how-to sewing articles. You can read about how to use continuous zipper (although I’d recommend a top and bottom buffer of 3/4″ as per the zipper tutorials on my site to allow for top stitching and turn of cloth at necklines). Similarly, there’s an article on french seams which is useful for materials that fray easily. Regarding the latter, seam allowances are not mentioned. For the first seam, the allowance is 1/4″. The allowance for the second seam is 3/8″ making for a total allowance of 5/8″. The top stitching portion is optional. You may also find this site useful if you’re sourcing hardware and fabrics for outdoor gear prototypes.
Also in the vein of outdoor sewing, visit my friend Penny’s site at Specialty Outdoors. Penny specializes in the development of outdoor type prototypes and projects. You can find some of her tips here. Peruse her tips section for an outdoor fabrics glossary as well as many other kinds of resources. She is really a great resource if you need help in the product development of outdoor gear and active wear. I’ve known her about 10 years so I can’t say enough good things about her.