NY in July: Contract & fabric sourcing tradeshow

I’m not doing today what I’d intended to do yesterday. Today, I’ve decided to have a paint fumes induced headache. I’m liking it so much, I’m doing it again tomorrow -when layer two of floor paint will be drying. Seriously, can you think amid odor clamor? I cannot. I’m packing it in. I’m going out for a late lunch with mom-in-law and a friend who is flying into NM for a well deserved vacation.

Remember when I said things would only be better once the pros took over sourcing shows like SPESA? Messe Frankfurt is giving us a taste of what the future may be with a contract production sourcing show in July, to be held concurrently with TexWorld (the fabric show). But don’t take my word for it, the exhibitor lists are up so you can see for yourself if it’s worth the trip. I’d consider going too -a contractor sourcing show is great news- but nah, I’m having entirely too much fun inhaling paint fumes. Heh. Do keep me posted if you go.

Hasta manana!

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  1. Kathleen says:

    Oh really? ~sigh~ I suppose for the situation to change, the show would have to do major outreach to all the mom and pop contracting outfits and then convince them it’d be worth their while. A contracting show is a new thing, maybe it’ll grow to include domestic? One can only hope.

  2. Brenda says:

    I too am disappointed that 98% of exhibitor’s are from China. Hopefully the domestic contractors will see the value in participating.

  3. Kim says:

    The show is a partnership with a Chinese organization. Here’s from the website:

    Messe Frankfurt, Inc. will be launching the event in partnership with “CCPIT TEX” The Sub-Council of Textile Industry, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The mission of CCPIT TEX is to support the development of the textile industry. Exhibitions are one of the key business platforms for CCPIT TEX to serve the textile industry worldwide and CCPIT TEX is the leading exhibition organizer for the textile and apparel industry in China.

  4. Paula Pagonakis says:

    I just searched through the whole website and do not see any listing for fees to attend. I completed the entire registration process and was not asked for payment information. I have just emailed them to ask if there is a fee to attend as a wholesaler. Does anyone know?

  5. Kathleen says:

    Paula… I hope it works out okay but be prepared for a less than optimal response. Again, the issue of terminology raises its head.

    You said you’re a “wholesaler”. In this context, they could presume you are someone who should have a booth there, meaning you are a “non-exhibiting supplier”. Most shows will give you a badge but “non-exhibiting supplier” will be marked on it meaning few or no exhibitors are going to give you the time of day. It is also likely you will be charged a fee.

    If I’m not mistaken, you are a manufacturer of apparel, not a supplier to apparel manufacturers. As an apparel manufacturer, from the show’s or exhibitor’s perspective, whether you manufacture for wholesale sales or consumer direct is immaterial. For example, GAP doesn’t do wholesale. They’re manufacturers who sell their own stuff direct to consumers and nearly anyone is going to roll out the red carpet for them.

    In short, “wholesaler” is not a synonym for “manufacturer”. There is no fee for manufacturers to attend.

  6. Mark Miller says:

    We plan to go to NYC during the week of the shows. You should note that the Messe has 2 (I think 2) shows at the Javits cneter at that time. The Apparel Sourcing show and TexWorld.
    The exhibitor list for TexWorld is heavily weighted with vendors from China, Korea, Pakistan…there are a few from the USA, Canada and Japan.

    Also at that time is the Premiere Vision Preview NYC show held at the Met Pavillion (125 W 18th St BTW 6th & 7th) This show features European Mills and is a “preview” show (of sorts) for PV.
    While we have made a handful of great connections there…we have also seen the show SHRINK and several of the vendors that we still work with no longer show there.
    That being said if you have a day (or 2) to spend in NYC it is worth taking in the 2 venues.
    (we go for just the day….but it is a FULL and busy one).

  7. Paula Pagonakis says:

    Oh dear. Kathleen, thank you for setting me on the right path. We are oh so new at this. I did get a response and it is free. I am sure there is still time to phone or email and get me changed from wholesaler to manufacturer since I just registered this AM. They are offering several seminars as well.

    Mark, thanks for the info. I understood that the two organizations are co-sponsoring the event. Will check out Premiere Vision Preview.

  8. Mark Miller says:

    Paula….the shows at the Javits and the show at the Met Pavilion are NOT related.
    The (multiple) shows at the Javits are all related as to the promoter.

    The Met Pavilion Show is European Mill (primarily) and mills that show at PV (Paris in the Fall).
    The link to that show is http://www.premierevision-newyork.com/
    Admission is FREE with the proper credentials. They offer a color card (that you pay for) which can be so-so to OK. The Met Pavilion is not far from the Subway stop….

  9. Paula Pagonakis says:

    Oh yes Mark, I was referring to the shows at the Javits being related, not the one at the Met Pavilion. Thanks for helping out. Keep the info coming.

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