News from you 5/18/07

Karen Clark sends an interesting article describing a documentary of a 12 year old model (of adult women’s clothing). In Our bodies beautiful, meet a child on the cusp of adolesence rapt within the throes of full bore consumer culture.
Kerry writes:

I was wondering if you’d might be able to recommend a software program or plug-in that has fashion templates for Illustrator (preferably for mac). I’m looking for flats that I can easily change in Illustrator. If you can provide any information, I would very much appreciate it.

I know there’s a program out there (SnapFashun) but I’ve gotten no feedback on it. Ideas, feedback?

Speaking of illustrating, with regard to Leo’s request for a technical illustration program from the last edition of News From You, Suzy C offers this:

Hands down the best tool out there for creating technically accurate technical sketches is FB Designer (formerly known as Karat CAD). I’ve no affiliation w ith them. I am a freelance technical sketch artist and it’s the only software I will use, I paid the full retail price for the package, and I am not being compensated in any way for this recommendation. I have used/tried most of the other software out there and some of it is so bad, you simply can’t imagine words bad enough to describe them. Nothing else competes in terms of very quick learning curve and ease of use.

Based on Suzy’s recommendation, I’d meant to look up this company at SPESA but I forgot. I don’t think they were there. FYI, don’t bother with the online form, it bounces upon submit. I’ve tried to contact them by phone too but no dice. Maybe somebody has the secret password to entry?

Amanda says she “used to own a high-end women’s clothing store and recently closed it to pursue other interests, mainly writing”. She writes that she’s started a fashion blog called The Clothes Horse.

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