It’s that time of year again, the MAGIC Trade Show season! “Going to MAGIC” is a bit of a misstatement; usually one means they’re attending a range of shows not all held under the auspices of Advanstar -which owns Magic. This year, I was organized enough to create a spreadsheet which lists the name of each show -there are 20- its location, date (these vary, make note!), product type and website address for more information. Not all are held at the LVCC (Las Vegas Convention Center). Some are held off-site at The Rio, Venetian, Hilton, Bally and Hard Rock hotels. Most of the shows are easy to reach with shuttle buses from the convention center. Unfortunately, the shuttle to WWIN is not apparently accessible from MAGIC; you have to take the shuttle from LVCC to Bally’s (the KiDs Show, twice as many exhibitors as Magic kid’s show) and then take the shuttle from Bally’s to Rio. Last February you could catch the shuttle to WWIN directly from the Hilton and that may be the case again this year. Whatever the hassle, don’t miss WWIN (women’s apparel); it’s the best show in Vegas. By best, I don’t mean a party like Project; I mean orders are written and the show is the big favorite among visitors and exhibitors alike due to show amenities (free food) and excellent management. Overlook(!) their hokey website. Another trade show not directly accessible is Capsule (Men’s wear, Hard Rock hotel) but that one is invitation only and I don’t know anything about it. Again, there’s no multi-show directory for Las Vegas but you can use my spreadsheet.
Also, as ever, people from Fashion-Incubator will be meeting there. Best log in now to let people know you’ll be around so you can arrange something; one of our members is coming all the way from Sweden. Speaking of, I won’t be there this year. Las Vegas is never a fun trip for me and I’ve had entirely too much excitement lately.
If you’ve never been to MAGIC and want a run down, I’ve collected a list of entries that I have published on the various shows (not all written by me). There are reviews of various shows from the perspective of visitors and exhibitors. Also included are some helpful entries if you’re curious what it’s like to be an exhibitor and how you can make the most of your trade show experience.
Reviews of whole sale shows: visitors
Project trade show review 2/08
Magic, WWIN, Project & Pool review: Lameka
Sourcing at Magic
Sourcing at Magic 2/08: David Sorg
Trade show reviews misc: 8/2008
Trade show review: Project 8/2008
Trade show review 1: POOL 8/2008
Trade show review: Lingerie Americas Magic 8/2008
Notes Eco Trade Show
MAGIC Trip Report: Malia Premi
MAGIC Trip Report: Sally Beers
MAGIC Trip Report: Meghan Bachman
MAGIC Trip Report: Vicki Clairborne
MAGIC Trip Report: Todd Hudson
MAGIC Trip Report: Kathleen pt.1
MAGIC Trip Report: Kathleen pt.2
MAGIC Trip Report: Kathleen pt.3
Magic show interim report
Trudy’s adventures in Las Vegas pt.1
Trudy’s adventures in Las Vegas pt.2
Trudy’s adventures in Las Vegas pt.3
Reviews of trade shows from exhibitors:
WWIN show report: Georgina Estefania [amended]
Showing a line at MAGIC: Rene Geneva
Global ECO Show review: Naturally Bamboo
Global ECO Show review: Ellaroo
Showing at KIDShow 2/08: Bethany
Interviews of exhibitors:
MAGIC Interview: Sales Rep Leah Wiley
MAGIC Interview: Allay California
MAGIC Interview: Bo Bo Bags
MAGIC Interview: Bungalow 360
Helpful How to’s (exhibiting):
What it’s like to exhibit at MAGIC
How to promote yourself before a show
How to promote your line at a trade show
Showing a children’s wear line
Getting into your first trade show
Trade show success and expectations
How to engage buyers at trade shows
Seminar review: Top Five Problems You Should Avoid When Importing
This could only happen in Vegas: Kimberly
Eco Seminar review
Las Vegas trade show season 2/08
Meet ups at Magic 8/2008
MAGIC Show: Publications
Open letter to POOL Tradeshow
Great post. Somehow you missed this report:
Kathleen’s correct–the WWIN website is nothing to write home about but the show certainly is.
We got a post at retailing together about the WWIN show at, based on an interview with the founder.
HI, glad to read about the show– I am a new vendor to this years show, with a unique eco-friendly bag line called OlovesM Eco bags– check us out at WWIN booth 752 in the Pavillion room!
Being new this year, I am excited to read all the nice words people have to say about the show. my bags are all USA made- in Colorado, made from NEW yoga mats- and other really cool materials.
See you at the show–
#752 OlovesM Eco Bags
Sorry if this sounds Knit Picky (a machine you can not find on the Merrow site), but your spread sheet lists shows, not by order of date, not alpha listed…but clearly shows this overwhelming love of Advanstar….(or something akin to it). FYI MAGIC has been cut down to 3 days (from 4) yet is still charging the same show FEE….the show has also shrunk considerably, likely a result of the economy and how they continue to treat their customers (not well). Yes, I am a former Magic Exhibitor….now a MODA exhibitor…..but that does not change the facts (or opinions)
Additionaly the term “offsite” is not accurate. while the LVCC is a Major venue for Trade shows, it is hardly the only one in Las Vegas. In fact most large hotels host shows. Mandalay Bay has its own convention center…as does the Venetian (called the SANDS expo). Your reference to “offsite” strikes me (again) that you view the trade show scene as MAGIC (and everything else).
Many of the shows have a different flavor from the other and a different customer base…add to the confusion, what one person calls contemporary might be anothers Missy Look.
Leave yourself time to visit them all and figure out what there is to offer you (as both a buyer and a seller). For both parties it is (or should be) your job to survey the scene…not just jump to the conclusion that “x” is the place to be and I will only shop/show there. Our company manufactures a brand of Luxury Outerwear. For most of the RTW shows that we have EVER done, we regularly hear “why are you at THIS show…you should be at X”. There are only 2 shows that we do were we are really in our element (one is ISPO in Munich)…
I digress but I hope that you (all) get the drift.
While ammenities are a nice touch…if you are at a show (or buyin at one) because they offer a nice buffet, you do yourself, your brand, your store a GREAT diservice in shopping the market.
Mark Miller
I never cease to be amazed by the perception of others who attribute my actions to motivations that are truly beyond the pale; that which I never could have contrived had I aspired to :). Coincidentally enough, I made a comment about this specifically on another blog this morning.
Please read my Magic trip reports, I’m not a big fan of the show. If anything, I have a clear bias for WWIN and a very negative opinion of Project. I have never attended Moda and I am unqualified to comment. Unfortunately, I won’t be attending the vegas shows this time and won’t be able to correct this oversight any time soon.
As far as the order of my spreadsheet, it was a matter of efficiency. I could go to one site and collect the information for the majority of shows in one place so I started with Advanstar first. I suppose I could have sorted the spread sheet after the fact but didn’t think this would have been interpreted as a preference for Advanstar. In any event, the final result was not attributable to your conclusions.
Hey, how about a thumbs up for my having gone to the bother of creating a spreadsheet of the shows? It annoyed me last year that nobody had done that so I thought to make it easier on everyone this time round if I did. Even the convention bureau of the city of Las Vegas doesn’t list them all. Infomat does but it’s not in an as usable format.
I have not been to any of the shows, excpet Outdoor Retailer, and it is a GREAT show, fun, happy, and lots of buyers. So reading your review was really helpful. I will be at WWIN next week, and the I might be able to reply better. But I was happy at least someone posted something about the shows!
Being a smaller manufacturer of eco bags, it is so hard to listen to all the sales people of these shows. They all tell you the same thing, lots of buyers, last spot, and good price for your booth!
I even had someone from the Ecollection call me yesterday to tell me I could get the last spot at the show, all kinds of buyers would be there wanting my bags, and that this was a great deal– I told her I was going to the WWIN show and she actually got mad at me? She told me it was a terrible show, and I would be wasting y money? Now what kind of salesmanship was that?
I think this economy is getting to everyone! I just keep a positive outlook, I love my OlovesM Eco Bags, and know I will do well at any show I go to:)
Thank you again for posting about shows, it has been super helpful—
Kathleen, ooh, I don’t see you there. Have you been deleted? Bummer.
The comment was held for moderation (can see that from my screen). It’s an Australian site so he’s asleep and not available to approve it just now.
Gladys and Andrea from Fashiondex will be at the Sourcing 101 counter at the resource hub (Sourcing at Magic at the Hilton) to assist all new designers and entrepreneurs sourcing apparel production for the first time at a trade show. If you have questions, stop by!
That can be the tough part about being a vendor at the show, as I want to get over to the sourcing but do the show myself!
We are giving out “Sourcing A,B,C’S” a 16 page booklet to assist all new designers and entrepreneurs sourcing apparel production for the first time. At the Sourcing 101 counter at the resource hub (Sourcing at Magic at the Hilton). Merle if you cant make it over let me know and I will mail you a copy.