I still live and breathe which -were one to know- is not so readily expressed following the completion of the installation of Movable Type -and on a windows server no less. Who knew this could be so complicated? Talk about initiation by fire, an MT install job definitely doesn’t pass the Sheila-Usability-Test (can any sheila do this?). Anyway, after installing MT on the windows server, it was still problematic so I acquired a new server which runs Linux (MT is optimized in a Linux/Unix environment). Long story short, the new blog will be hosted at its own domain Fashion-Incubator.com. I just have a test page up there so you can go look if you like. Once it’s up and running full bore, you’ll be automatically re-directed.
I thought I’d write so you’d all know I hadn’t died or something. A week is a very long time for me not to post.