Winding down for the holidays, this qualifies as one of my dopiest posts ever.
Design cut sew sell
with fashion incubator
Make sane smart money
Some fashion blogs show
pretty pink pony products
Readers need a life
Note: all comments must be in haiku.
You bet, get set now
To go with the FI Blog
Best yet you learn,earn
label name obsessed
hyping latest hottest looks
I’ll make my own, thanks
This our very own
apparel industry school
Kathleen’s gift to us
Sharing the knowledge
Opening hearts, minds, and eyes
Begins with the book!
Another Haiku (not industry related)
Though winter passes
Eternal as last night’s moon
It shall come again.
Fun fashion haiku
from Trish, Lisa and Kaaren.
Come fun from you too?
Garment care labels
Read best in haiku format
Same as error codes
Do not miss a day
Design Pattern Lean Sew Sell
Always much to learn
machine o friend
can you not read my mind?
sew on
avoiding fingertips.
come fun from Kathleen
giving patterns to follow
and book advice too
Why one man only
writing silly haiku verse
women only dare?
cut cut pin sew sew
try on time for your break now
read blog comment smile
[true confessions time:
still haven’t mastered syllables in English..
ah well forgive me]
I covet his coat
eyeing his seams over tea
he thinks I’m flirting
Silly haiku blog
Desecration of art form
I do my best, though
textures colors weights
surrounded by lovely bolts
love love the feeling
do a silly dance
wife mother entrepreneur
what happened to me
Teijo, Massa eye
apparent haikus demise
witnessed on F-I
First time for the tuts
Now reading all the archives
I’m a Kathleen fan
Writing a haiku
People think it’s difficult
I find it easy
Kathleen and I share
Samurai Appliance Guy
We both love his stuff
Writers of haiku
Are a very special breed
Are we all Aspie?