CPSIA: Please take the Economic Impact Survey

I’m not above begging. Please take this survey I created in an attempt to measure the impact of the CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) on small businesses like yours. It is industry neutral meaning it works for any industry so please pass the link around on line. Obviously, the goal is to attempt to measure the effects of the law on businesses which thus far, the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) has implied would be negligible. Right. If you’re a larger concern, the AAFA created a survey that may be more appropriate but there’s no reason you couldn’t do both.

For more information:

Previous CPSIA entries:
CPSIA, Denial and Retailer’s Liability
How to move up to another level
CPSIA: I endorse the NAM plan
CPSIA and tracking label requirements
CPSIA: How to move forward, coping with crisis
Good News! CPSIA request for comments
CPSIA & CPSC: Activism and what you can do other than gnashing your teeth and beating your chest
CPSIA Survey: The costs of a recall
CPSIA and Small Manufacturers
Forum is open to all!
CPSIA: Splintering the cause serves no one
CPSIA: Losing credibility
CPSIA: Confusion run amok
Up, up and away…
CPSIA: What must be tested
CPSIA: Unit vs Component Testing
National Bankruptcy Day
Overwhelmed? What to do when you don’t know what to do
CPSIA Requirements
New Product Safety Regulations That Affect ALL Manufacturers

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  1. Is there any argument being made from the consumer end? This law takes away consumer choice. I do not make jewelry for children under 12 (though I could and have in the past) but I love supporting handmade clothing and toys for kids … I get items for gifts and planned to purchase handmade items when we have a baby. Now I will not have that option unless I spend a LOT of money on some super fancy designer clothing???

    It’s not just about protecting children … it’s removing choice from the consumer.

    Not only that, the Simple Dollar blog added a good point as well – used clothing is not exempt from this law! That is just insane!!! So used clothing stores will be forced to not accept (and have already started this policy apparently) children’s clothing. Not for Profit children’s stores will have to shut down (we have several in our area).

    I’ve written my legislators, written a letter to the editor, and blogged about it on both of my blogs. I’m not sure what else I can do … especially since I’m not directly affected business wise.

    It’s all very depressing.

  2. Kathleen says:

    Is there any argument being made from the consumer end? This law takes away consumer choice.

    This is the thing that I personally RESENT. I don’t have a young child of my own to buy for but I take *a great deal of pleasure* in selecting items for my niece and nephew. I go to a great deal of bother to find products from independents that I like. I spent way too much on them this Christmas in large part because I was angry that I may not have these choices anymore. In the future, if I want my niece to have a hand made doll, I’m going to have to make it (eek! make something! rather than just talk about it!) or become a criminal and buy some “banned hazardous material” out of someone’s trunk in a dark alley.

  3. Kathleen…I’m SO glad that I’m not the only one!!! :) I adore being able to buy things that are special, unique, one of a kind, etc. for my little cousins. And one day I want to have a baby and I want to be able to buy special handmade clothing from WAHMs. I certainly won’t (can’t!) make them myself. *sigh* It’s very frustrating and there doesn’t seem to be anything that I can do as one person. :(

  4. Susan says:


    This was posted by a Ravelry.com member called LostTheThread. I am headed to her blogspot to thank her profusely for finding this info about wool, fine silver, and more.
    Knitters will be pleased, as will my husband, a metalsmith.

    The doc is from Staff to the Commission and says “The staff has identified a number of materials that do not contain lead or contain lead at levels that do not exceed the CPSIA lead limits.”
    It goes on to list items like wool yarn and fine silver, among other interesting well-loved materials. Check this link and hope like heck they accept Staff’s recommendations!

  5. I had read that you were interested in seeing completed test reports and mine came in today. My very expensive test reports!
    Where would you like me to forward them?
    Thank you –
    Krystine Vermeer
    Infinitely Sweet

  6. I cannot take your survey – the requirements on your questions do not allow me to answer correctly. I do not have employees – I’m it, but I have many “Independent Contractors” and Crafters that are member to my online craft mall that work with me – this will not only impact and destroy everything I’ve worked for for years, but it will also impact all American Manufacturers – which my husband is employed by. My husband was already a victim of NAFTA when Maytag left and this will now threaten the company he’s currently working for. So this could very well leave us with no income at all. Even my web design business will be at risk – because most of my clients are crafters.

    America use to have quality American made products – this began to dissapear with the NAFTA act. They removed the import restrictions to allow Oriental companies to steal and undermine American made products and to allow the loss of American jobs to over-seas out sourcing. I see this as a Government attempt to finish us all off.

  7. Sheryl Till says:

    Just on the consumer end the idea of what stores will look like come February 10th is depressing. Store shelves and racks will be practically bare. The few items available will be out of price range for most people due to the added cost of all this new testing. Too many families are already having difficulty clothing their children in this economy.

    I was in Wal-Mart this morning and while browsing in their children’s department it dawned on me that the consequences to their suppliers is going to be astounding. I understand that Wal-Mart only pays for items after they are sold (correct me if I’m wrong). If that’s true, all non-conforming childrens items will be returned to those suppliers who will have to eat that cost. Talk about a domino effect!

    Thanks for being proactive regarding this issue.

  8. Laura H. says:

    I love the survey but can’t take it because I don’t sell anything that I make (yet; I had wanted to someday).

    Is there a survey that consumers can take to judge the impact to them? I don’t want to have my choices for what I believe to be safe toys and clothing and books for my kids taken away, and replaced with what China and my own government “assures” me is safe…….

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