CPSIA articles index

Amended 8/10/2009

This entry is simply an index of all CPSIA related entries posted on the site over the past several months. I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile. Entries are listed newest to oldest. I’ll update this as needed, changing the publication date if needed to keep it at the top of the category search returns.

CPSIA Forum on Fashion-Incubator, open to the public

CPSIA: Children’s Apparel Exemptions
CPSIA: Another tracking label update
What is a batch?
CPSIA: Tracking labels update
What is a cutting ticket
What is a Bill of Materials (BOM)
What is a sketch sheet
CPSIA: Printable labels for August requirements
CPSIA in three acts: Shame, Honesty and Crime.
Are you evil? A quiz
Retailer’s rights to return defective products (shrinkage)
CPSIA Protest Rally April 1st in Washington DC
My response to Representative Schakowsky
Some days I don’t feel like blogging
Three days until National Bankruptcy Day
Six days until National Bankruptcy Day
CPSIA: Stay of Execution?
How the industry has changed forever
CPSIA Guidance for Retailers Working with Vendors
CPSIA Crystal Ball & Status Report
Don’t throw yourself under the (CPSIA) bus
CPSIA Rant: Blame Special Interest Groups
Reporters looking to interview designers
CPSIA: Please take the Economic Impact Survey
CPSIA, Denial and Retailer’s Liability
How to move up to another level
CPSIA: I endorse the NAM plan
CPSIA and tracking label requirements
CPSIA: How to move forward, coping with crisis
Good News! CPSIA request for comments
CPSIA & CPSC: Activism and what you can do
CPSIA Survey: The costs of a recall
CPSIA and Small Manufacturers
Forum is open to all!
CPSIA: Splintering the cause serves no one
CPSIA: Losing credibility
CPSIA: Confusion run amok
Up, up and away…
CPSIA: What must be tested
CPSIA: Unit vs Component Testing
National Bankruptcy Day
Overwhelmed? What to do when you don’t know what to do.
CPSIA Requirements
New Product Safety Regulations That Affect ALL Manufacturers

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