Category: Manufacturing

Report of TexProcess 2016

My review is only a month behind schedule! This was an outstanding show for us, the best ever. We were able to locate and purchase several items on our list that ranged from significant to trifling (but annoying). For whatever reason, this last show seemed to be a radical departure from previous shows in that vendors were actively thinking of ways they could help us -even if that meant sending us to a competitor.…

Design of the Child’s Coat -Apparel Manufacturing Boot Camp, Fall 2015

Better late than never, here is a discussion of the features that we designed into the child’s coat we produced at last Fall’s apparel manufacturing boot camp that was hosted by the Albuquerque Fashion Incubator and my sewing factory. If you’re new to these parts, we cut and sewed 120 coats in 4 days -all with volunteer labor.…