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      • Maximo Sanchez says:

        That is great but do you have a picture to have a better idea. I love the fact that you went out of your way to say it in Spanish. I am reading your book “The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Sewn Product Manufacturing”, I love all the details you give and show in the book. I had not being able to find such a valuable book. May God give you more strength to do another book and put your guts into to it as in the above mentioned book.

  1. Doris W. says:

    A B
    C D

    Max – if A, B, C, and D are four corners, then A and D are catty corner to each other, just like C and B are called catty corner. Son diagonalmente opuestos. Tal vez esto le ayuda?

  2. johnmar balete says:

    Hello! i just want to know how fashion incubator work? and what are the facilities or spaces of the fashion incubator do you have?

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