Archives 4/20-4/26 2005-2006

Part of a continuing series on blog history for those who intend to read everything but haven’t managed to get around to it. By all means, do comment on old entries if you have a question or something to say. I leave comments open for that reason. Blog management-wise, it’s more pragmatic to close off comments to old entries because those attract massive junk spam comments only visible from the back end and it taxes the server. So commenting on old entries justifies all the work I do on this site that nobody realizes. If enough people are interested in an old topic, I’m happy to resurrect it for further discussion.

2005: April 20 through April 26
Blog migration

2006: April 20 through April 26
Anatomy of a Camel Toe pt.1
Anatomy of a Camel Toe pt.2
Twelve acres
Freelance designing
History of women’s sizing pt.3
Chinese bras and sizing
Look what I bought
Nothings, news and links 1

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One comment

  1. J C Sprowls says:

    Thank you for updating the style sheet, Kathleen. The darker font is easier to read. I didn’t really expect there to be a difference; but, there is. I like the improvement!

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