Archives 9/9-9/15 2005-2010

You wouldn’t know it from my posting activity but I’ve been burning the candle at both ends. As I mentioned in the previous post, I’ve been training with StyleCAD software since Wednesday. Said session doesn’t end until this coming Tuesday PM. Meaning, I’ll be regrouping by Wednesday and hopefully back to normal by Thursday. I appreciate your patience in the interim.

Regretfully this weekend’s archive posting was tardy but better late than never. As ever, here’s the entries for this period over the past six plus years with more in the archives. Hope your week is off to a great start and I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone next week.

September 9, through September 15, 2005
Invisible zipper tutorial pt.2
Dry cleaning discussion
Fabric sale open to the public
Name this tutorial
Nameless tutorial #2
Nameless tutorial #3

September 9, through September 15, 2006
Do sales reps do anything?
It all starts here
Analyzing business plans pt.6
Finding a rep in the classifieds
When are markets held?
Do sales reps do anything? pt.2
Swipe files and what’s cheating?
Bunny punch

September 9, through September 15, 2007
Launching at Pool pt.1
Coffin clothes
Launching at Pool pt.2
Launching at Pool pt.3
Fluffy book reviews
Sweet new year
Launching at Pool pt.4
Pattern puzzle: collar
News from you 9/14/07

September 9, through September 15, 2008
Pop Quiz #478 pt. 2
Sales Management Software
Trade show review: Project 8/2008
An IQ Test for designers
Wholesale Fabric Show: Seattle

September 9, through September 15, 2009
What does it cost to prototype a bag or clothing line?
Reverse Pattern Puzzle: zero waste
Problems leaving a comment?
Homage to the humble house dress
What does it cost to prototype a bag or clothing line? pt.2

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