Archives 9/30-10/14 2005-2010

The theme for this weekend is Autumn approaches! We’ve been busy doing all manner of perspiration inducing chores trying to get winter ready. My least favorite thing we did was unloading and stacking a ton (literally, 50 forty pound bags) of wood pellets to keep the shop toasty. Next to the shop is a little house (not livable) where we keep them. I can’t wait until we can tear that thing down. I think it used to be an outhouse, I can’t imagine what else it could have been used for. It is creepy and I’m sure, teeming with anaerobic tetanus bacteria from every rusty nail. And spider webs. Lots of spider webs.

If you should find the time and need an excuse to get away from some of your weekend chores, that would be what comes next -namely this week’s archives post. It is a bit longer today being two weeks worth since I didn’t do one last week. What was I doing then? I don’t remember now but it was pressing. Oh I know, I was reading Reamde. Terribly addictive. Mr. F-I is reading it now which means he won’t care what I feed him -it could be oatmeal for all he cares- as long as it is quick so that book delivers a lot of punch. So for your reading pleasure, I present this week’s edition. As usual, there is more in the archives. Have a great week end.

September 30, through October 14, 2005
Nameless #6 -Troubleshooting
Problems in problem prevention
Becoming a lean manufacturer
Da Vinci and proportions
The perils of D.I.Y.
Style Numbers revisted
Are you a target?
Find a sales rep -circuitously
Are you a target? pt.2
Find a sales rep pt.2

September 30, through October 14, 2006
It all starts here 2
Why contractors won’t partner with you
Non disclosure agreements, myths and patents
Adventures in overseas manufacturing pt.2
Business plan template
A fun little quiz
Pattern puzzle: pivot sleeve
A fun little quiz pt.2
Pattern String Codes
An illustration program?
Quality Assurance for Retailers
Checking a pattern pt.1

September 30, through October 14, 2007

Three nifty hand tools
Miracle in Hong Kong 2
Lean Laundry 2
Reading 10/2/07
Asia Pacific Leather Fair Fashion Access Show Recap
Indie designer goes to Hong Kong 1
Why I went to Hong Kong to buy fabric
Indie designer goes to Hong Kong 2
Naming a product line pt.68
Indie designer goes to Hong Kong 3
Blogging Story Corps
News from you 10/8/07
Implementing the Toyota Sewing System at Fit Couture
Two questions
10 sales mistakes designers make
Indie designer goes to Hong Kong 4
Buying wholesale fabric at Material World

September 30, through October 14, 2008

Rothenburg Style
Wild West Potato Pizza
Reunification Day
Conjecture on Czech Design
How I got my start (by Hannah)
Deconstructing a zippered pouch
Delighted to be home again
Advanced Style
Visiting the Netherlands
Pattern Puzzle: leather bulls
Pop Quiz: Pt.1 of a 2 part argument
Pattern Puzzle: Pt.2 of a 2 part argument
Pop Quiz: Pt.1 of a 2 part argument pt.2
Pattern Puzzle: Pt.2 of a 2 part argument pt.2

September 30, through October 14, 2009
Sorry, this page does not exist
How to fire your contractor -or someone you like
How to be a successful designer
Should you go to fashion school?
Production pattern making class
Will you need to do a recall?
Who pays for a sewing contractor’s mistakes? SOW
Quality Control and SOW pt.1
Quality Control and SOW pt.2

September 30, through October 14, 2010
Refine My Line Reject: Sharp Hill Designs
What are the measurements of a size 10?
What are the measurements of a size 10? pt.2
PSA: Caring for your cutting table
How to get customer lists or How to get others to hate you
Pop quiz: Care label icons
Pop quiz: Care label icons pt.2
Review: Patternmaking in Fashion

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  1. Theresa in Tucson says:

    Well, I just checked my local library. They have several copies but they are either all out or on hold so I’m going to wait a bit more for Reamde and thanks for the reminder on pellets. We go through less than a half ton a year so buying a ton just doesn’t make sense. We had three days of Fall before it went back to “Still Summer” so who knows when we will light up the stove for the first time. In the meantime, the mosquitoes are acting ferocious. For them Time’s winged chariot is hurrying. The mornings are lovely, though, just perfect for long sleeves when walking the dog.

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