What a week! I think I’m caught up on most of my email so if you are awaiting a response, do resend. I hope to catch up with posting entries next week and really appreciate your patience. Until then, here is the list of entries published on this site over the past five years. There’s still more in the archives if you have some time to kill. Hope your weekend is lovely.
August 20, through August 26, 2005
Retail buyer complaints
Ironies of fabric sourcing
Lean Laundry
10 signs of a problem designer
My dirty laundry
August 20, through August 26, 2006
Rain rain go away
Analyzing business plans pt.4
Sizing is a variety problem
Leadership and implementing change
How to design packaging
What are jobbers?
How to buy wholesale fabric
Analyzing business plans pt.5
What is a bridge line?
What are Look Books?
What does “self” mean?
August 20, through August 26, 2007
My first trade show: Marguerite Swope
Slow Fashion
How many lines sheets?
Fashion piracy law update
Vanity sizing shoes
Sizing for the Eco market 2
Microsofting your product
How to solve any problem 2
Designer’s advice on starting a clothing line
August 20, through August 26, 2008
How to work with a fashion illustrator
Not Enough Thursdays
Freelance Fabric Design Question
Top misconceptions of lay people you wish you could correct
Fashion ads: art or pornography?
August 20, through August 26, 2009
Prototype bag Style# 4216 pt.2
Museum Notes: Toledo, Textiles & Vionnet