Archives 7/16- 7/22 2005-2009

pinto_bean_nestLast week, some folks asked for an update on Ms. Humming Bird’s progeny. I meant to take pictures of the baby but he/she (she I think) fledged more quickly than I expected. It was so cute. Tiny little beak, maybe an inch long. I took a photo of the empty nest, putting a single pinto bean in it so you can get an idea of the size of it.

Hopefully posting will be back to normal next week but you never know, I’m still busy and catching up from last week. I may have failed to mention it but I held a class with some professors doing a continuing ed.

And as ever, here’s some reading from this week’s entries from the archives. Have a great weekend.

July 16, through July 22, 2005
Shrinkage and fit
Review request: illustration book
Speaking of tees
Sarah Wyman’s shoes

July 16, through July 22, 2006
Carnival of Couture: Jinjer Markley
Premiere Vision 2007/2008 Trend Forecast
Carnivale of Couture: Andy Chang & board shorts
Carnivale of Couture: Danielle Meder
Umbrella design
Carnivale of Couture: Gigi, Linda & Ella
Information addicts
Carnivale of Couture: Kathleen

July 16, through July 22, 2007
Ethics in clothing design
Vintage pattern book summary
CAD: PAD or TukaTech?
Illustration software
Batch, UPS and Modular (Batch pt.2)
Ethics in clothing design 2
How to write an email
News from you 7/20/2007

July 16, through July 22, 2008
Rotary cutters, a guaranteed argument
Pop Quiz #475
Tracing and Marking
Pop Quiz #475 pt.2
What’s a fair employee discount?

July 16, through July 22, 2009
Going from prototype to production sewing pt.2
Design Paralysis pt.2
Prototype bag Style# 4216 & 4217

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