My friend Ann sends word that the US Navy has an opening for a clothing designer. The pay isn’t bad, about 20% higher than in industry ($51,871.00 – $67,427.00 /year). The job is in Natick MA and closes tomorrow (email your resume quick!). However there’s a big caveat, namely the required skills…
This position as a Clothing Designer is located in the Pattern and Prototype Group of the Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility. You will [work in the] development of patterns, prototype samples and specialized construction procedures for utility, dress, and special purpose clothing items for Navy… personnel. Also, you will develop and present technical information relating to the design, construction and quality level of clothing/accessories as well as the methods to be used in production. In addition, you will select and apply standard methods and techniques in the design, construction, and testing of prototype apparel… you will assist in the fabrication of components of experimental dress, service and protective clothing.
In other words, they’re looking for a qualified and highly experienced pattern maker rather than a designer. I know one designer with these qualifications -and she was a production pattern maker at Evan Picone for 13 years before she started her own line. In this light, the pay isn’t so great especially considering the cost of living in Massachusetts. Somebody needs to send a memo to the Navy that a designer’s duties have evolved to spend (mostly thankless time) managing projects and dealing with the headaches of getting a product line together, than putting hand to pattern, fabric and machine. For what it’s worth, this would be a great job, I’d love it (I’ve done some work for the Air Force and imagine it’s similar). If I lived in the area, I’d do whatever it took to get the job. It’s a tremendous learning opp.
And as usual, here’s this week’s entries from the archives. Have a great weekend.
June 18, through June 24, 2005
Welt-Reece machine operations
Marking & Cutting
Welt and paper jig
Re-framing industrial methods
Welt pocket construction
June 18, through June 24, 2006
Latest is greatest?
Plant organization
Plant organization pt. 2
How I Got Started
Line sheets revisited
Camping pt.2
Sales rep training
700 lb Gorilla
June 18, through June 24, 2007
Radial grading
There’s More to Green than Money
Price fixing
Pop quiz #462
Roundup: The birds and bees
Pop quiz #462 pt.2
News from you 6/22/2007
June 18, through June 24, 2009
How to start a homebased handmade sewing business
How to negotiate with vendors
Does race still matter?
Homage or plagiarism pt.2
How to start a homebased handmade sewing business pt2
How to start a homebased handmade sewing business pt3
Free access to The Entrepreneur’s Guide
…experimental dress, service and protective clothing.
Like this?
Natick has been working with Beyond Fleece Co on Special Forces Uniforms for some time. Beyond is an interesting company as they take a made-to-measures approach to the clothes they sell to the civilians…
Sounds like a dream job for me except that I’m in France ;-)