Archives 4/23- 4/29 2005-2009

The walks like a duck, quacks like a duck but is not a duck fashion incubator in Chicago aka the AIBI is holding their annual fabric and trim sourcing show May 13-14, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM on the second floor of the Merchandise Mart Conference Center. Entry is free but you must register. Early reports say exhibition space is sold out as is the foyer and that another venue is likely next year. Great news surely. If you want to meet any F-I members who will be attending, be sure to post in the forum.

A reminder about the SPESA show (sewing and equipment) coming up May 18-20 in Atlanta. If you are attending and wish to be included in our activities, you must post to the forum thread to be added to the notification list. Many people have emailed me or sent messages on Facebook but I don’t have time to post for you (one of the Lisa B.’s has volunteered to facilitate). Thus far, we have about 30 but I suspect we’ll end up with at least 40 when it’s all said and done. I’m really looking forward to meeting with so many of you I’ve only corresponded with. Fun times to come! We had a great time at the last show and learned a lot.

And as ever, here’s this week’s entry from the archives. Have a wonderful weekend.

April 23, through April 29, 2006
Twelve acres
Freelance designing
History of women’s sizing pt.3
Chinese bras and sizing
Nothings, news and links 1
How to hire a fashion illustrator
Silence lends consent

April 23, through April 29, 2007
Evaluating the Pattern Grading Process
Technical Journal pt.1
Verbal Croquis’ L.A. Adventures
Evaluating the Pattern Grading Process pt.2
Jeans Sizing, Problems and Recommendations
What does Fashion-Incubator mean to you?
News from you 4/27/07

April 23, through April 29, 2008
Lost and Found (and a quiz)
Trend News: JC Report
Pop Quiz #472
Jeans fit lousy these days 2
Marker questions and costs
Mostly about sustainable architecture

April 23, through April 29, 2009
Best kept secret to lowering expenses
Pattern Puzzle: Pinwheel dress
How to find the grainline on a sleeve
CPSIA: Printable labels for August requirements

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