With all the comings and goings over the past few weeks, I was unable to post the usual archives entry. Today’s entry contains two weeks worth; come Monday I’ll post what should have been posted for this week.
If you’re a new visitor to Fashion-Incubator, the archives entry is a round up of posts published on the site for the given time period over the past eight years. I do this as a service because the site is so dense and lengthy (nearly 3,000 posts), it becomes difficult to survey the material.
It would be useful to bookmark the archives page which is a master list of posts published here. Instructions on how to search the list for topics you hope to find, appear at the top of that page. I’m always amazed at how few use the archives master list of entries page. Of all the pages on this site, I use that one more than any other and by a wide margin.
April 21, through May 3, 2005
Non-disclosure agreements
How to get sizing and grading standards
April 21, through May 3, 2006
Anatomy of a Camel Toe pt.2
Twelve acres
Freelance designing
How to hire a fashion illustrator
Silence lends consent
Quality quiz
Working as a freelance fashion designer
Why I Love Cotton Incorporated
April 21, through May 3, 2007
Evaluating the Pattern Grading Process pt.2
Jeans Sizing, Problems and Recommendations
News from you 4/27/07
Apparel manufacturing in California
Training sewing machine operators pt 1
Training sewing machine operators pt 2
Training sewing machine operators pt 3
April 21, through May 3, 2008
Jeans fit lousy these days
News From You: Earth Day 2008
Lost and Found (and a quiz)
Trend News: JC Report
Pop Quiz #472
Jeans fit lousy these days 2
Marker questions and costs
Mostly about sustainable architecture
Apparel Manufacturing in New Jersey
Pop Quiz #472 pt.2
Naming a product line pt.69
April 21, through May 3, 2009
Pop Quiz #484 Sleeve problem pt.2
Stone Soup entrepreneurs
Best kept secret to lowering expenses
Pattern Puzzle: Pinwheel dress
How to find the grainline on a sleeve
CPSIA: Printable labels for August requirements
Review: Boiler iron & vacuum ironing board
April 21, through May 3, 2010
The vending machine survey pt.3
Pattern Puzzle: vintage dress pt.2
LEDing fashion
“Expert” chat
A refresher on basic industrial sewing concepts
DIY fabric creation: osloom
Who is to blame for $550 khakis?
Pattern Puzzle: NO!
April 21, through May 3, 2011
Pattern Puzzle: Vintage pattern post #7
I have another blog: Vanity Sizing.com
Why retailers change clothing sizes
Why isn’t women’s clothing sized like men’s?
Reverse Pattern Puzzle: Extreme
Why isn’t women’s clothing sized like men’s? pt.2