Up for some week end reading? How many ways can I say this but here’s this week’s entry from the archives. Now I’m off to chop weeds and some recalcitrant bamboo! Have a wonderful weekend.
April 16, through April 22, 2006
History of women’s sizing pt.1
History of women’s sizing pt.2
Manufacturer’s blogs
Anatomy of a Camel Toe pt.1
Anatomy of a Camel Toe pt.2
April 16, through April 22, 2007
Commercial vs Industrial space
My friend Trish
Apparel Manufacturer, technical journal
MAGIC Trip Report: Todd Hudson
News from you 4/20/07
April 16, through April 22, 2008
How to start a clothing line pt 2
Why I don’t write about apparel manufacturing overseas
News From You 4/18/08
Jeans fit lousy these days
News From You: Earth Day 2008
April 16, through April 22, 2009
Apparel price point categories
8 ways to better communication
Pop Quiz #484 Sleeve problem or not?
Pop Quiz #484 Sleeve problem pt.2
Stone Soup entrepreneurs