Archives 3/9-3/15 2005-2011

dr_seuss_alpacaToday we went to an alpaca farm. Our hosts were Sandy and Lee Liggett. They breed alpacas and are intending to develop some sort of a vertical operation with the fleece. Sandy is still experimenting with fiber and is as yet undecided.

I was excited to have a chance to see alpacas up close without a dog getting in the way (usually a Grand Pyrenees) and being that they’re related to camels, I was surprised the alpacas were so nice (camels are crotchety). Typically I’m wary of animals larger than me but I was okay around these guys. They had lots of babies, these are called “cria”. Those were cute too.  Through out the visit though, I was having an odd sense of deja vu; the alpacas reminded me of something I couldn’t identify. However, once I got home and loaded the photos, I saw it instantly. Alpacas look like something out of Dr. Seuss. As proof, I enter this photo into evidence.

When we came home, we had to repair mickey-mouse a fix to a large section of fencing that blew down in the high winds we had today which involved parking our truck along one side of it (along the neighbor’s easement) to hold it up. Parking there is dicey; the neighbor has a reputation of becoming unhinged if anyone uses it -this from the clerk at the hardware store five miles away. It was simply too windy and late in the day to do anything else. Still, we’re better off than my other neighbor -the one who used to keep sheep. The roof of his barn blew off and wedged itself in the six foot gap between his barn and my shop. Gap should be “gap” because the space is filled with trees. I have no idea how he is going to get it out of there. So, lots of drama today!

As ever, there are more entries listed on the archives page. Hope your weekend was nice and not as windy as ours.

March 9, through March 15, 2005
Tv, blogs, girlie-girls & call of the mall

March 9, through March 15, 2006
Reverse engineering standard work pt.9
Field trip to a cotton gin
Gemba Keiei chapter 14
My kingdom for a tie
Gap’s continual decline
Yet another fitting “system”
Problems with small sewing contractors
March 9, through March 15, 2007
Proverbs for entrepreneurs
How to Get Answers to Your Questions
Blogland news 3/12/07
Jews and the garment industry pt.2
How do you grow before you grow?
Pi Day!
What it’s like to exhibit at MAGIC

March 9, through March 15, 2008
A three minute post
New: Knit wear pattern making book
Review: Dress Shirt Design
What is a tech pack?
Report: Moda Manhattan 1/2008
Report: NEAC (New England Apparel Club) show

March 9, through March 15, 2009

How to import fabric without a broker
Trip report -Discovery Trekking

March 9, through March 15, 2010

IP Update: DPPA & Fashion Law Blog
Hiring a full package sewing contractor pt.1
Pop Quiz: How to shorten a dart?

March 9, through March 15, 2011
Lies designers tell 2 -the luxury edition
POM: Point of Measure Codes
Pop Quiz: Tucks vs Pleats
Review: The Spec Manual

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  1. Theresa in Tucson says:

    We’ve had the same high winds here in Tucson on Friday and Saturday. Cyclovia, a weeklong bike fest is currently underway and impacted by the winds and today’s rain. Spring training baseball games have also been affected. Not exactly the weather you want to have when you are counting on the public to come and enjoy themselves but we desperately need the moisture.

    Love the pictures and yes they do look Suessian.

  2. Lisa Blank says:

    I’m a big fan of alpacas. I’ve visited a local alpaca farm several times and was surprised the first time to discover how gentle the animals are. Maybe that’s because they’re used to being around people. I was expecting to have to be on my guard for spitting like you get with llamas. Anyway, you can’t beat alpacas for cuteness!

    Sorry to hear about your property damage. You sure live in an interesting neighborhood!

  3. Sarah_H. says:

    We are supposed to have wind, rain and so forth today. We need the rain too. We are coming off, I hope, a two year drought that has done a lot of damage here. I have lost two large trees in my yard from the dryness.

    I had a friend out here who raised lamas. She was so excited to get the first yarn spun from her animals.

  4. Jim Travis says:

    The picture of the llama is a spitting image of Dr. Seuss. That leads to all kinds of “names” for the animals. Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, etc. And of course, the ever popular “Dahli Lama”

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