It’s late. I couldn’t sleep. Kitty cats are being silly, running around, causing a ruckus -and it’s not as tho the head instigator- my alpha male, boy cat Right (that’s his name, Right- the other one was named Left in case you wonder but he died a few years ago)- isn’t already running a deficit on lives -and then he’s practically ancient. He’s nine. Nine isn’t too old for a cat but those are hard lived lives. Like a quarterback, they don’t live long either. But that’s beside the point. I’m awake. I didn’t post today. Kitties have created an inhospitable sleeping environment so I may as well talk to you. How are you doing?
Talk of the sewing tubes this week: There was an article in the Wall Street Journal about truckers taking up sewing. Yeah, big burly guys are buying Singers and paisley prints. They roll into Paducah for pit stops. I went to Paducah. It was cool. Those truckers are cool. One day I want to be cool too.
You know I’m going to say it so here it comes: Here’s this week’s entry from the archives. Have a great weekend.
March 26, through April 1, 2005
Brief notes
Vintage pattern design update
The legalities of labeling
March 26, through April 1, 2006
Why Barbie dumped Ken
Grading Management pt.1
ABC Retailing
Jeans to pray for
Size is a matter of opinion?
A failed experiment
Straw into gold
Fitting logic pt. 2
A failed experiment pt. 2
March 26, through April 1, 2007
MAGIC Trip Report: Vicki Clairborne
Shipping patterns
Labor shortage?
Another dopey contest
Excuse me while I vent
Do you follow trends?
March 26, through April 1, 2008
Grading children’s clothes pt.2
Sizing information: who needs it?
How to create grade rules 1
Poll of the day: grainline stability
Poll of the day: grainline stability 2
Georgie World goes to Bubble (again)
The difference between price and cost
April Fools
How to create grade rules 2
March 26, through April 1, 2009
How to sew faster pt.2b
How to sew faster pt.3
A licensing deal gone wrong
CPSIA in three acts: Shame, Honesty and Crime.
How the industry has changed forever pt.2
It truly is a beautiful Saturday. Too nice to sleep in anyways Kathleen. The kitties were just reminding you. :)
I love that the truckers are taking up sewing and knitting. I believe there was a famous wrestler or boxer one time that did knitting too.
I have never been to Paducah, but have heard so many great things about it. One day perhaps. It is on my list of road trips.
That is a great list of archives for this weekend. So much to learn and so little time. Will have to work some reading time into my schedule. Thank you Kathleen for all you do here.
Struggling today with garden work or sewing. I want to do both.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Oops..that is what I get for reading too fast. I am sorry Kathleen, thought you were saying you couldn’t sleep in this morning because of kitties. Always wondered why kitties decided to make a rucus at night when we want to sleep.
I will slow down now..and stop getting myself into trouble. :)
Heya Becky, happy saturday! It’s a lovely day today. I think I’m going to do some house cleaning and maybe work on re-organizing my shop. It’s a disaster.
Funny thing is, the post slug time reads 9:47 PM -an embarrassingly early time to go to bed, more typical than not for me- but it was actually 10:47 PM. I should fix the system time.
Doesn’t it just drive you nuts when they decide it’s time to play when the house is quiet? I have two old ladies (13 and 15) who cause the most trouble.
For the record, 9:47 is not too early to go to bed – I embarass myself that way every night. :-) I guess sewing is my only hope for being marginally cool.