Well. There’s been a bit of CPSIA related interesting news that I’ll be writing about later today. It came yesterday afternoon and coupled with my illness, served to stimy yesterday’s entry. Speaking of, I don’t think many of you follow our daily water cooler discussions. Pity that. You miss knowing a lot of what goes on behind the scenes at Fashion-Incubator.
Without further ado, here’s another dose of the archives, listing some of the 1,500 plus entries published on this week in history over the past several years. Don’t forget to click through for the whole list.
February 12, 2005
The first test entry posted to this site was February 12, 2005. Being genuinely clueless as to the form and shape this site would take, I inaugurated it with cat pictures.
that jpeg is colita btw
February 6 through February 12, 2006
Costs of intellectual property protection
Designing for extreme body types
Lowering wholesale prices
Don’t tell me what to buy
Vivisection: Project Runway
Inflatable sewn products
The real value of couture
February 6 through February 12, 2007
A question about fabric libraries
Trip Report: Denver craft show
Espionage for better sizing
Espionage for better sizing pt.2
Pattern maker vents about clients
What we expect from designers
February 6 through February 12, 2008
How to hire a pattern maker pt.47
Design sketch analysis
Swag or sweetheart?