This week being the fifth anniversary of the site, I’m including five years of archive entries. It’s always embarrassing because the very first entry was the typical blog+cat post. What can I say? It was a test entry. The first entries are also a little rough around the edges but they haven’t kicked us off the internet. Which is not to say they’ve invited us to sit at the cool fashion kid’s table either.
Hope your weekend is grand (I always say that but I do mean it). Here’s this week’s entries from the archives.
February 12, through February 18, 2005
that jpeg is colita btw
What are the core skills of sewing?
Sewing anxiety, avoidance and fears
The cognitive dissonance of experts
Thrift store shopping
February 12, through February 18, 2006
First Anniversary!
Ergonomics in apparel manufacturing
Reverse engineering standard work pt.1
Color psychology
Reverse engineering standard work pt.2
Reverse engineering standard work pt.3
Pattern puzzle: Vionnet
February 12, through February 18, 2007
What we expect from designers
Off to MAGIC
How I (kind of) organize my fabric
How To Get Out of a Rut
When good employees quit
Home again, home again, jiggety jig
SPESA Material World Expo 2007
February 12, through February 18, 2008
How to promote yourself before a show
February 12, through February 18, 2009
Fourth Anniversary!
How to get started in sweater design and production
Establishing wholesale terms and sales policies
Q&A: Designer’s guide to hiring a PR firm pt.2
Flatlocking compared to cover stitching and overlocking
Just read through the first five posts. Hate to say it, but I am still a beginner when it comes to sewing. Improvement is slow coming but it is improvement. Love the placement pattern. I think I’m going back to men’s patterns for a while. There’s less change. As a home sewer it’s very time consuming to make jigs for one-ofs, and most women’s wear is just that. Men’s style clothing is charmingly boring. I’m going back to boring and master that. Love the first week’s post. Just as relevant today as five years ago. Happy fifth birthday, F-I, you’re more than four-and-a-half, you’re five! (Barbara Streisand song)
Happy Birthday!