Archives 12/30-1/12 2005-2011

anton_poka_yoke_smI laughed out loud at this photo that one of my students (Antonina) sent me. She works (hard) in the film and TV industry. Those of you who have taken my production pattern making class will probably get it right away. Everybody else, well, who knows. The back of her jacket says Poka Yoke (pronounced “poh-kah yoh-kay”) which is Japanese for idiot error proofing. Nicely made production patterns have all kinds of poka yoke strategies built into them. It’s a primary tenet of lean manufacturing. There’s no easier or better way to reduce but hopefully prevent, the number of things that can go wrong once your stuff hits the sewing line. Unfortunately, they don’t teach much of this in school or in books. It’s one of those things you learn on the job if you’ve had the fortune to work at a good company.

In any event, here is the archives post for this period in blog history -and there is more, much more on the archives page which lists nearly every entry ever published. One reader this week mentioned it was challenging to find specific material so I wrote a tutorial on how to find stuff that should dramatically improve your results (the search box is useless unless your keyword is very unique). Have a great weekend.

December 30, 2005 through January 12, 2006
Thread consumption formulas
Dress Kathleen
Nameless Tutorial #7
Nameless Tutorial #8
Push Manufacturing Bras
Sewing patterns for geeks
A question of line size
Paper wedding gown
If I were to produce a line pt 2
Top 10 lies of designer-entrepreneurs
Who’s copying whom?
Fix my pants

December 30, 2006 through January 12, 2007
Five questions
Grave breach of trust: sales rep
CMT vs Package sourcing
Fashion internships and mentoring
Good photographs sell products
A problem with sizing studies
Good photographs sell products pt.2
Jeans fitting problem pt.2

December 30, 2007 through January 12, 2008
Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster
Reading 1/3/08 (IP & sizing)
Training green sewing operators
Confusing terminology 1
Every day is Monday
Confusing terminology 2
Comments from the sewing trainee

December 30, 2008 through January 12, 2009
The How I Got My Start Carnival
How I got my start: Corky & Company
How I got my start: Vicki Piippo & Calico’s Closet
How I got my start: Marguerite Swope & Ivy Reed
How I got started as a pattern maker: Heather Menzies
How I got my start: Sarah Manello & Menacing Pickle
How I got started: Jesica Milton
How I got my start: Leslie Hanes & Discovery Trekking Outfitters

December 30, 2009 through January 12, 2010
Suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions
The rules on seam allowances
Which fashion school is best pt.2
Happy New Year! Now go stub your toe or something
Three reasons you’ll be knocked off pt. 1
Three reasons you’ll be knocked off pt. 2
What should my wholesale minimums be?
What is vertical integration?

December 30, 2010 through January 12, 2011
The maligned middleman
Top ten posts for 2010
Grading minutiae
The grammar of garment cutting
Free! Italian pattern drafting book
Manual of Work Garment Manufacture
Yet more vintage drafting books
PSA: Don’t go to Magic to buy fabric
cut & SHOW: Buyers guide

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