As usual, here are this week’s entries from the archives. Now I’m off. Must. Go. Shopping! Hope your holiday was grand.
November 20, through November 26, 2005
Lean Thanksgiving
Establishing payment terms
Saran wrap pattern making method #1
The skinny on retail
Selling your company
Pattern makers know best
Compromising with Retailers
November 20, through November 26, 2006
What is a sloper?
What is a Block?
Contract for a clothing sales rep
It all starts here 4
Contract for a clothing sales rep pt. 2
Plenty of poultry
November 20, through November 26, 2007
Fashion blog haikus
News from you 11/20/07
Manufacturer vs. subcontractor
Thanksgiving 2007
Pop Quiz #469 pt.2
November 20, through November 26, 2008
National Bankruptcy Day
Silk: It’s not just for breakfast anymore
Is your strategy patently obvious, pathetic or parasitic?
CPSIA: Unit vs Component Testing
CPSIA: What must be tested