So what did you do for the holiday? We didn’t do much beyond going to eat with other family members who were hosting for the day. Mr. F-I has been off all week so I haven’t done much either although I did make some linen napkins and a tablecloth. I had planned to post another challenge yesterday to finish out the week’s theme but my subject was non-compliant. Maybe I can work on it tomorrow. It may be a bit controversial but hope people can appreciate the dark humor of it. Next week’s posting theme should be reviews. I’m way behind on several review projects. I’m also planning a give away of a newish pattern making book so be sure to keep an eye out for that.
Since I didn’t publish an archives entry last week, today’s post of all the entries published on this site over the past six years is a bit lengthy. Perhaps between leftovers and resting, you’ll have more time to read. See you next week.
November 11, through November 24, 2005
Yet more marketing hype
Children’s wear & web marketing
A question of collars
The battle of retailers vs manufacturers
Advantages of selling what you produce
Establishing payment terms
Saran wrap pattern making method #1
The skinny on retail
Selling your company
Pattern makers know best
So, what did you do on thanksgiving?
November 11, through November 24, 2006
Better factories in …….
Jeans, corduroy, ironing & bras
It all starts here 3
How to select commercial pressing equipment
Unemployed But Keeping Busy As Usual
Nurture people, not products
What is a sloper?
What is a Block?
Contract for a clothing sales rep
It all starts here 4
Contract for a clothing sales rep pt. 2
November 11, through November 24, 2007
Pop Quiz #468
Theatre de la Mode
Clothing manufacturer Fit Couture trip reports
Fashion Bullies
Pop Quiz #468 pt.2
How to calculate demin shrinkage
How to go broke slowly
How to do a Shrinkage Test
Clothing manufacturer Fit Couture trip reports 2
Pop Quiz #469
Fashion blog haikus
News from you 11/20/07
Manufacturer vs. subcontractor
November 11, through November 24, 2008
Pop Quiz #480 pt.2
CPSIA Requirements
Overwhelmed? What to do when you don’t know what to do
Pattern Puzzle: Fixing a cowl neckline
Pattern Puzzle: Fixing a cowl neckline pt.2
National Bankruptcy Day
Silk: It’s not just for breakfast anymore
November 11, through November 24, 2009
Pop Quiz: Denim Quality pt. 2
Protect your Crown Jewels
UPCs, SKUs, Styles and Other Numbers
The 7 minute cutting test
From the LOC archives: Photos of the 30’s & 40’s
Pattern Puzzle: The Deer Cape
The 7 minute cutting test pt.2
New here?
Vintage technical illustration book
Drafting to measure pattern book recommendations
November 11, through November 24, 2010
Hurray for Corduroy Day!
Value Circularity: cotton, colanders & the specialty store market
Things you must know if you have a clothing line: garment measuring
How sweatshops start
Size is a matter of opinion pt.2
Paying commissions for referrals?
Other than a delightful Thanksgiving with friends, I’m spending the majority of the holiday weekend completing a project for the homeless. The pattern layout and construction instructions are short a few graphics, and I need to slam out a full-size prototype from the half-size mockup (note correct use of terms, thanks to recent clarification from Kathleen). We’ve got people lining up to sew them, including the Presbyterian women’s quilting group in Hastings, Nebraska (no, it’s not a quilt).
My studio is comfortable, but I’m keeping myself lightly dressed so a tad chilly, which is a great motivator. It also reminds me to be very, very grateful.