Archives 10/28-11/3 2005-2010

I’ve been busy doing a class and am running a bit short on time as a consequence. One thing we’re doing is creating pants that fit like pants used to. Not like these. My client is very excited and wanted to work into the night but I had to draw the line, ply her with a bit of Pinot Grigio and lentil soup after which I excused myself to compose the weekly archives posting. Hopefully the pants will provide the desired effect and everyone will be happy. If you’re curious as to the method of drafting for this effect, you can find more information here.

As per tradition, below is a selection of entries published this week over the past six years with more in the archives. Here’s to hoping your weekend is equally productive and relaxing.

October 28, through November 3, 2005
Copying processes #5
Update on pattern makers
Poka Yoke pattern making
Piece naming conventions
Pattern puzzle: Junya Watanabe
LA Textile wholesale fabric show
Color coding implementation

October 28, through November 3, 2006
Muslin, “muslins” & protos

October 28, through November 3, 2007
ADHD dump: factoring 2
The universe is needling me today
Wanted: freelance fashion designer
Going to Houston
Los Angeles Fabric Show: Trip Report
Going to Houston 2
Trip report: Paris

October 28, through November 3, 2008
Best sentence I read all day
Hunger (yet another lousy title)
French pattern making books
International Quilt Festival

October 28, through November 3, 2009
Trip report: Dallas Apparel and Accessories Market
Why people don’t return your calls
Pattern Puzzle: Kate Rawlinson & stupid stripey pt.2
Pop Quiz: Denim Quality
Trip report: Denim processing contractor pt.1

October 28, through November 3, 2010
Everything I wish I’d known when I started pt.3
Refine My Line: Lilah Children
Refine My Line: Lilah Children pt.2
Directional writing on pattern pieces

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  1. Cary Pragdin says:

    I’m not surprised your client wanted to stay up for such a worthy cause! As I write I’m wearing a 10-year-old pair of pants that I can’t part with because they fit, and none that I’ve bought since do!

  2. Quincunx says:

    What I want to know is how many glasses of wine it took before the bubble-butt illustrations from the Italian pattern-drafting book started looking sensible. :D

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