Anybody miss me? I’m here, just very busy. Today is the last day of a class I’ve been having with a student who is a joy -and a job- to teach. Truthfully, all my students have been a pleasure to work with. This one though… is like painting a very dry piece of wood. It doesn’t matter how much paint you put on the brush, the wood soaks it all, drying almost as quickly as you lay it, needing another two or three coats of paint. That’s not a complaint; it’s fun and challenging to teach someone like this. Anyone who has taken a class with me knows the pace I set is very intense and with a lot of content, perhaps too much but I want to make sure I’m giving very good value. This student works and absorbs material at least four times faster than anyone I’ve ever worked with. You have to be on top of it to stay ahead of someone like that.
The teaching wasn’t all one way, she taught me how to tie knots in a thread. My knots have always been an unmitigated disaster, so embarrassingly bad I never want anyone to watch me doing it. She said Candace Kling taught her this way to tie off knots. Not having the video camera, Mr.Fashion-Incubator used my digital camera for the short clip. Some frames are a bit blurry but the content is clear. Hope you find it useful.
Before I forget, Chicago area designers should make plans to attend the wholesale fabric and trim show which will be held the 21st and 22nd at the Merchandise Mart. I’ll remind you about it again next week.
As always, here’s the entries published on this site over the past five years with about 2,000 more in the archives. See you tomorrow.
October 1,through October 7, 2005
Problems in problem prevention
Becoming a lean manufacturer
Da Vinci and proportions
The perils of D.I.Y.
Style Numbers revisted
October 1,through October 7, 2006
It all starts here 2
Why contractors won’t partner with you
Non disclosure agreements, myths and patents
Adventures in overseas manufacturing pt.2
Business plan template
A fun little quiz
October 1,through October 7, 2007
Three nifty hand tools
Miracle in Hong Kong 2
Lean Laundry 2
Reading 10/2/07
Asia Pacific Leather Fair Fashion Access Show Recap
Indie designer goes to Hong Kong 1
Why I went to Hong Kong to buy fabric
Indie designer goes to Hong Kong 2
Naming a product line pt.68
Indie designer goes to Hong Kong 3
October 1,through October 7, 2008
Wild West Potato Pizza
Reunification Day
Conjecture on Czech Design
How I got my start (by Hannah)
October 1,through October 7, 2009
How to fire your contractor -or someone you like
How to be a successful designer
Should you go to fashion school?
Production pattern making class
Will you need to do a recall?
My grandmother taught me this method of tying knots when I was 12 or so. She also taught me to thread a needle by pinching the thread between my thumb and first finger, with only the tiniest bit of thread showing, and inserting in into the needle held by the other hand. Both methods have served me well! I have shown others, and am always so pleased to say, “My grandmother taught me to do this”.
When I learned to tie knots this way I was told it was a quilter’s knot. Beats the old spit on the thumb and roll technique. Also, one more step to the threading the needle – cut the thread at an angle to make a point and it will thread easier. If you stab it to many times and fray the end just re-cut. Wonder if Martha Stewart know these tricks?
Another nifty trick is to sew over the end so there is no knot. Great for embroidery. This prevents snags and pulls when the piece is to be machine washed often, such a pillow case.
This method can be used with straight stitches such as basting and running stitches but may not be the best choice. If the stitching needs to come out later, snipping a knot is much easier than unweaving an embedded thread.
Thanks for the knot tying video! What a great method!
Geez if she’s porous wood I must have been a fresh cut of Formica! :-)
I’m a long-term lurker, but your excellent knotting tip has lured me from the shadows. So much more elegant than the haphazard rolling-it-off your finger method. Thank you!
And Cindy D, your wit shows you’re more porous than you’re letting on. ;)