Archives 4/9 to 4/15 (2005-2009)

googlefight_santaNPR aired a silly story about the Forbes list of the wealthiest 15 fictional characters Friday afternoon, the big news being that the Tooth Fairy finally made the list (#8). The Forbes list has been controversial, most notably when Forbes included Santa Claus. Forbes dropped Santa in 2006 saying:

We still estimate Claus’s net worth as infinite, but we excluded him from this year’s rankings after being bombarded by letters from outraged children insisting that Claus is ‘real.’ We don’t claim to have settled the ongoing controversy concerning Claus’s existence, but after taking into account the physical evidence—toys delivered, milk and cookies devoured—we felt it was safer to remove him from consideration.

I can see why Forbes acquiesced. GoogleFight concurs that children beat Forbes by a wide margin. Speaking of, how many five year olds could you beat in a fight? I can take out nine.

Naturally this proves nothing other than that I’m easily amused -and that this is this week’s entry from the archives. Have a wonderful weekend.

April 9, through April 15, 2005
PR firm sues DE
Me and my blog
Vintage pattern post #5
Men’s drafting

April 9, through April 15, 2006
Fulfillment centers pt.1
Archaic anthropometry
Line sheet cover letters
Air-bag motorcycle jackets
Conphorm’s pattern puzzle
Self-reporting one’s size
How to be creative
A question of thoracic shaping
Fulfillment centers pt.2
Speaking of bras…

April 9, through April 15, 2007
Beyond obvious
100 mile clothing
Is fast fashion sustainable?
Emerging Textiles
Benetton gets Lean(er)
News from you 4/11/07

April 9, through April 15, 2008
It all starts here 9
Why 5% shrinkage is fatal to a start up clothing line
California Garment License for Out of State Companies
Niche: plush toys
Apparel Manufacturing in New York

April 9, through April 15, 2009
What we expect from designers pt.2
Your first meeting with a pattern maker
Pop Quiz #483
A great PR pitch
Pop quiz #483 pt.2

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  1. Marian says:

    I can take out 15 5-year olds…. and 11 90-year olds!! That is the funniest quiz I’ve taken!

    I needed that laugh this morning…. perfect timing!

  2. LizPf says:

    21 for me too … but in my case it’s due to being mom of two high energy kids, plus a few years of martial arts.

  3. Sandra B says:

    26 kids, but my experience is fairly current.

    My ability to negotiate with fictional characters is also excellent, as my son’s first baby tooth was swallowed with the corn-on-the-cob he was eating, (Dear Tooth Fairy, we apologise for the lack of actual tooth, however, if you need it that badly for your castle, we can give you an approximate time and location for retrieval) and my daughter’s tooth fell out last Friday, at the beach. She insisted we look for it, but we finally agreed that a selection of shell fragments of the approximate colour and size would probably be acceptable, and we could give the Tooth Fairy the GPS co-ordinates of the beach if she is unable to use alternative calcified objects. I presume she has some form of tooth locating technology and doesn’t need to rely on a visual search.

  4. Marie-Christine says:

    I remember this is where I saw the air-bag motorcycle jacket. Fireproof bra too if I remember correctly :-). So I’ve got a good one to add to your list Kathleen: the built-in turn signal bike jacket: Apparently it’s had a small production run this year too, in Taiwan:
    Come to think of it, it could be a plus for motorcycle riders too, not to mention pedestrians. What I’d like is a jacket that totally lights up and blinks any time I want to cross the street. Mmm… that’s an idea..

  5. Pingback: LEDing fashion

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