Month: November 2009

Archives 11/20 – 11/26 2005-2008

As usual, here are this week’s entries from the archives. Now I’m off. Must. Go. Shopping! Hope your holiday was grand.

November 20, through November 26, 2005
Lean Thanksgiving
Establishing payment terms
Saran wrap pattern making method #1
The skinny on retail
Selling your company
Pattern makers know best
Compromising with Retailers

November 20, through November 26, 2006
What is a sloper?…


Least favorite day of the year

Just for kicks, I googled “vegetarian least favorite day of the year” and the top result was -do I really need to say this?- Thanksgiving really sucks for vegetarians. Yep, it’s the least favorite day of the year, no contest. I think most vegetarians fantasize about having the option of cowering in the closet amid the impending doom and dread of being a social outcast on this most sociable of family centric holidays.…


Drafting to measure pattern book recommendations

A question from my mail, I apologize my response is very lengthy:

I really like The Practical Guide to Patternmaking for Fashion Designers because it has comprehensive theory explanations. So many texts don’t give you those tidbits that you learn when you learn directly from an instructor but this one does a good job of providing more information than most.