In the July 13, 2006 print edition of the Economist, I found an article called Closing the circle: Automated tailoring comes closer. The article mentioned a collaborative effort known as Project Leapfrog. The goal of Project Leapfrog can be described as an effort to automate sewing, replacing human operators entirely.…
Month: July 2006
Infovore links: 7/28/2006
A collection of things I’ve noticed or bookmarked; some new, some dated.
My faith restored. According to a recent Harris poll, the top five most prestigious jobs are firefighter, doctor, nurse, scientist and teacher. Farmers came in 9th. Actors, stockbrokers, business executives and real estate agents ranked last.…
Why do hems roll up?
Susan asks:
Why is it that the small, double-folded hems common on jeans, denim shirts, and skirts roll up the way they do? It isn’t just denim, similar weight/feel fabrics do it too. Is there some construction technique or pattern modification that can eliminate this annoyance?
Why no one will help you
Yesterday, I got yet another email from someone who was complaining that very few people in the industry are willing to give advice on how to start your own clothing line. Since Miracle and I donate incalculable amounts of free time to help people succeed, we talked about the reasons why we don’t help certain people.…
How I lost 150 pounds
I used to be overweight -morbidly obese- which could explain my fascination with body sizes. It was a long time ago (25 years ago) but I’ve kept the weight off. If you’re interested in hearing about it, I did a pod cast interview for Chris Brogan.…