If you need to send your patterns off to a pattern making service, here’s a checklist of do’s and don’ts. Nobody I am currently working with is to take any offense, nothing is directed at anyone. This list amounts to an accumulation of experiences.…
Month: January 2006
Piece rate is good
Tyler Cowen of Marginal Revolution mentions the work of the economist Edward Lazear yesterday. Lazear argues that piece rate may boost productivity which brings me to another of my pet peeves: most people assume that piece rate is a nasty exploitive practice.…
Bias match-stripe
Thomas and Eleanore pt. 1
I also have some unintentionally funny vintage books that aren’t about pattern making. I have two books I really like. The first is What Men Don’t Like About Women by Thomas Horton, copyright 1945. With the war on, I don’t know how he got it published although he does write excrutiatingly well.…
Designer’s guide to a business plan
Guy Kawasaki’s post on The Art of Bootstrapping yesterday inspired me to write my own list of most frequently offered advice to people starting a fashion or sewn products business. This list is intended to augment the information I’ve written in The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Sewn Product Manufacturing, not replace it.…